Chapter 6

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(Louis' Pov)

I was the first to wake in the morning.

I made my way into the kitchen, after hiding my laptop and the memory stick in my room. I just hope no maids go snooping around when they come in for room service. 

The boys were still in deep sleep, so I decided to make up a big breakfast for them. Cooking is not a skill they teach when training to be a spy but I taught myself. I know how to make a decent fry up. 

It's the least I can do for them because I am pretty sure I am just causing them trouble at the moment. I just can't get Basilone out of my head. He is annoying me now, this case is just racking my brain. I barely know where to begin. We can't even pinpoint an exact location his in, let alone have a visual image of what he looks like.

Brushing the thoughts aside, I switched on the stove and whacked some sausages and bacon into a frying pan. I then cooked up some eggs, mushrooms and beans and finally some toast. Damn I do love the smell of a full English breakfast.

Whilst cooking, I heard some movement in the bedrooms, signalling that the boys are now up. Well some of them are at least. 

'Morning Lou.' Harry said sleepily, walking into the kitchen area. 

'Morning Haz, breakfast?' I smiled and he nodded, taking a seat at the breakfast bar. Man that boy looks fine in the morning. I just want to run my hands through his bed hair and kiss him on the forehead. 

Nope. Really need to stop having these thoughts. 

'What time is it?' He asked. I looked down at my phone before replying '11:38am' He only nodded in response.

'I smell food.' An Irish voice called, joining us.

'That's cause it is cooking.' I replied with a grin. Niall hopped on another stool next to Harry and began trying to annoy him. Harry was not impressed. I couldn't help but laugh though.

'Niall. Poke me one more time and you won't have a hand to poke me with.' Harry warned and I bit my lip, smiling.

'Is that a threat?' Niall asked.

'Nope that my Irish friend, is a promise.' Harry declared and Niall finally stopped pestering him. My phone beeped and I picked it up to see a message from an unknown number

We've been in the same room twice now.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion but then the second text came through.

And you still haven't caught me.


Twice? Really? How did he get my number. 

'Who you texting?' Harry asked, curiously.

'Uh my sister.' I lied. I then quickly began serving up breakfast as Liam and Zayn came in. 

'Morning peeps.' They cheered, happily and I handed them a plate of food. 'Oooh looks good. Thanks Louis.'

'No problem. Now I have to make a call I will be right back.' I said casually, picking up my phone and moving to my bedroom. 

I first attempted to call the number from which I had just received the texts from. It didn't even ring, all I got was... The number you are call has been disconnected. Great, just fucking great.

I turned to second option and called Dylan. He answered straight away.

'Dylan Chester speaking.' 

'Hey Dyl.' I responded and I could here his tone change to a happier one.

'Ahh Agent Tomlinson what can I do for you?' He questioned. 

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