Chapter 10

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(Louis' Pov)

Their fans have been raging on twitter again. 

It was fans at the crime scene, I should have known, they are everywhere. Now the news has spread and the are all questioning what I was doing there. I don't think they saw me in the actually taped off area as they blocked off the entire road but they definitely suspect something.

Maybe they should just keep their thoughts to themselves and stay out of other people's business.

Especially the business of those trying to protect their idols.

I couldn't focus on them though. Instead Cassie and I headed to Luke's family and began questioning them instead. They were all heartbroken, why wouldn't they be? His girlfriend was the worst and within five minutes of being in the house, I knew how much she loved him.

They didn't know anything though. I even had to tell them who the suspect was and it broke theirs hearts even more. I assured them that their son was innocent though and that when I knew why he was the victim, I would let them know. 

They didn't understand why someone would want to kill him and quite frankly neither could I. The only evidence we have is a shredded piece of paper and broken USB stick and until we get information off of them, that is all we have. 

It doesn't help anyone.

After we interviewed them, Cassie began her during back to London to analyse the evidence we gained and I headed back to the arena. It was roughly 9pm already, so the boys would just going on stage for their second show of the day.

I updated Paul on the day when I bumped into him backstage whilst we both ate some food. We then agreed it was a tough job looking after these boys. 

Firstly you have to keep up with them running off all over the place and causing trouble and secondly you have to keep both eyes on everything going on around them.

Let me tell you, it is not easy doing both of those things at the same time.

Quitting would be so much easier. Anyone want to take my job?

No, I can't leave until I solve this. When I sign myself up for something, I am committed until the end, despite the jobs hours being all day every day.

Sleep is starting to catch up on me though and during the second half of their show, I start to feel my eyes droop. All I want to do is stop time, hibernate for a couple of days and then get back to business.

I don't think life will let me do that though.

Luckily the second the boys came off of stage at the end of the show, they asked to head back to the hotel and go straight to bed. I would agree that two energetic shows filled with screaming fans would exhaust you and possibly burst your eardrums.

How do they cope with this as a career?

I mean being a spy who travels the world, carries weapons at all times and takes down drug dealers, criminals in never ending fights is much safer. Especially when some of those criminals are targeting you back.

With the cameras double checked and working though, I was able to allow my head to hit the pillow whilst I fell asleep in seconds. Nothing woke me in the night and by the time my eyes opened again it was nearly 10am. 

I took a quick shower, got dressed in some black skinny jeans and t-shirt before pocketing my gun into the back of my jeans covering it with my top like I usually do and then I ran through last nights footage quickly.

As I was watching the footage though, something caught my eye. At 2.36am last night, someone snuck into Liam's room.

I watched intently as they climbed through the window and walked straight up to the camera. With a mask on their face and the entirety of their body dressed in black, I couldn't create a profile from them. They knew the camera was there though. They walked right up to it and wrote a letter on the camera. 'I'

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