Chapter 23. Role models

Start from the beginning

I can't be a Mom.

{Location: Crystal Pass Elementary School}(Seliel's POV)[Present day]

"Hey," I smack the teacher. He's still out cold. Crystal Pass is in total lockdown due to the fact there's me nutso ex-boyfriend still in town hall. Parents are coming for their kids but at the speed of molasses running uphill. I don't mind hanging around kids, except they won't stop staring at me, "Wake up."

A little boy with light brown hair and a green t-shirt takes a break from taking deep breaths in a paper bag, "The only way to wake Mr. Little now is to swipe his lesson book and then mess with it."

I tap my voice changer, kids have a habit blabbing on, "Lesson book?"

"Yeah," A little girl in a pink dress and pigtail pulls out a black binder, "Now, I say next Monday, we have all day recess!"

The remaining kids cheer. The teacher wakes up and clenches his heart. He snatches his lesson planer back, "Sorry. I believe we have a long enough break already." He must be from New Ninjago City from the thick accent he has.

With the teacher up it's time for me to give Victor his welcome to office knockout punch. I turn when a group of kids latches on to me.

"Don't go." The little boy gives me the puppy-dog eyes.

A little girl with blond hair and grey eyes sticks out her lip, "We feel safe with you."

"Yeah," Pink girl pretends to sniffle, "And all Mr. Little does is talk about the Ninja. Ninja this, ninja that." She turns to stick her tongue out as the teacher folded his arms, "It gets annoying."

"I don't see why!" Mr. Little's voice growls with frustration and slight annoyances, "What's the problem with little kids looking up to perfectly good role models?"

I sigh, start to pull off the kids then fold my arms, "The thing is, there was an attack a while ago, a lot of things went wrong. And no one really came to save us. We did what we could but I guess the only thing worse than not meeting your heroes is them not coming when you need them."

"Oh," Mr. Little rubs his chin, "I guess it is kinda hard to look up to someone when they create abandonment." Then a smirk slides onto his face, "Maybe I should start using the Phantom Ninja as a more suited role model."

Embarrassed blush heats my cheeks. I've never really thought about who watches me. I just did whatever I have to do. "I'm sure there are lots of people that have a more honorable lifestyle."

"I don't think these little ones care about honor," His smirk grows wider as the kids grab my legs again, "Just seeing someone with courage take action."

My face keeps heating up, I'm the Phantom Ninja, I go where danger is, fight the good fight, and never leave the ones I care for. "Speaking of action, I have a certain problem to fix."

The little pink girl whimpers, "Can't you stay and protect us?"

I shoo away the kids, kneel down and hold her shoulder, "I would love to stay. But I have to protect everyone. All the Mommies, Daddies and kiddos." I tap her nose with my index finger then stand up, "I promise, The Yellow Tiger crossed the last line. And I'll make sure they leave with their tails between their legs." I turn to run as kids actually cheer me on.

I make it a block away from the school before realizing that Townhall is much further away. I sigh a little before slowing down to walking speed, "I really need my own ride."

Then a beat-up gold mini-van pulls up next to me, Ethen in the driver's seat with Marci right next to him, "Need a ride?"

I pull open the door, "Yeah." I hop in, standing in the middle instead of sitting down, "Wait, what are you doing here?"

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