Chapter 18. Haunted and hunted

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{Location: Crystal Pass' old mine}(Marci's POV)

I have never heard such a bone-chilling scream. And I don't even have bones. I look at AJ, who has a broken leg thanks to Jordan's amazing pipe swinging abilities. I help her up as best I can and follow the noise. "Seliel," I don't see her. Just Jordan and Victor watching something fall. Please let them be idiots and have dropped the Jade blades. Please. My mind heads to the darker places as AJ hobbles along.

She looks over them as I realize what actually happened. "What. Did. You. DO?"

Jordan looks far too smug for what just happened, "Got rid of a problem Officer hottie."

Victor has a bizarre mix of fulfillment and emptiness. I spot a Jade Blade in his hands, and one in Jordan's.

They didn't. Oh geez, please don't let that be the case.

AJ turns red and goes in for a hit, "You little-"

Jordan lightly taps her leg with his shoe and she winces, "I'd get that looked at." Then he sees who's helping her and looks like he's seen a ghost. "You're the-"

I glare as I hold AJ higher, "Girl your father killed. Yeah." I turn around to take AJ someplace to get help. "I won't get revenge for my death. But my friend's." I mutter slightly more dark promises under my breath as AJ moans.

Seliel, please be ok.

{Location: The bottom of Red gorage}(Seliel's POV)

What's the saying? It's not the drop that kills you, it's the sudden stop. I feel my eyes water as I expect something hard to hit my back at any second. The longer that takes, the more I think about what I could have done.

I should have kept going.

I should never have quit being the Phantom Ninja.

I should have talked about my grief with my Dad.

So many little should have. It can't end this way.

I watch the stars as I wait for something. As my eyes lock on the brightest one I can see, I hit the ground. "AHHHHH!" I scream as my eyes water harder. The pain burns stronger than fire. I instantly feel something wet slothing around in my armor. I scream until my voice is raw and only pause to cry the pain out.

But death doesn't come.

Maybe an hour or so after screaming, I stop to look at the damage. I see something white and red poking out of my left chest. I try moving my left hand only for red-hot pain to shoot up my arm. "Ok, not that one." I move my right hand and slowly pull off my armor. I can barely see anything as I manage. I barely see the dark red blood leaving around my left shoulder. My arm has a weird tingly feeling to it, I pop my shoulder. Oh dear, I popped my shoulder of its socket. I try moving but my right leg sends up the same red-hot flare. "How'd I get myself into this?" I question the moon as it hides behind clouds. "I didn't do this to me. Victor. He dropped me. And for what? Power? Because of that stupid blade!?" I slam my fist into the cliff wall.

Something metal rattles around in a small hole. I reach in and pull out, "I don't believe it." I found another Jade blade. There's a note, 'Dear whoever may find this,

I hope this is more useful to you than me.

-Dawn. Q.'

I sigh. I can fix this. I can do this. "Thanks, Mom. But worst injury first." I shuffle around and lean on my good leg. I put the note in my mouth along with one of my gloves. I push my bad arm up so my elbow and forearm are against the wall. This is gonna hurt. "On three," I tell myself thought my muffler.

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