Chapter 21. Threats

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{Location: The kitchen}(Seliel's POV)

Victor frowns deeply. His tone about this is serious, even his clothes, which are a tad cleaner looking than his dirty jeans and yellow t-shirts. "Hello to all Crystal Passions." He cocks his head to one side, "Or is it, Crystallites? No, maybe Passers. Hm, well, either way, hello to all people of Crystal Pass."

The cameraman shakes like he's saying no, "Get to the point."

"All right," Victor stands up from his rocky throne while holding a black and yellow metal bat, "Do you feel scared? Or unsatisfied with your current security in attacks. I mean we've had two, a death in both and yet our 'leaders' seem reluctant for better safety and instead rely on a half-baked vigilante known as the Phantom Ninja." Victor looks down. Then back up with a loud sigh, "Larry, we talked about this. You pan down now." The camera looks up, "No you idiot." Now the camera points right, "Down. D.O.W.N." Victor sighs as the camera points down to a scale model of Crystal Pass. "Thank you for taking forever."

AJ snickers as I fold my arms.

Victor then slams his bat down on the college library model, "The facts simply are, we don't have the protection we need. We are getting things that could potentially bring attackers to us. And despite it not being election season," Victor smashes the main road up here, "Vote Crown. For a safer tomorrow with minimal hassles, such as," he brings his hammer down on the fire and police station, "The fuzz. Still not convinced, we'll also take care of that very ineffective problem. You know, the one with a helmet, eclipse symbols and a pension against anything yellow?"

The cameraman hums, "A very dangerous beekeeper?"

Victor smacks his forehead, sadly not with his bat, "No, Larry. The Phantom Ninja. Get it? Our color is yellow and oh never mind." Victor smirks back at the camera, "Concerned with things like those dangerous mines?" He slams the model of the mines, "Poof gone." He keeps hitting things but leaving places like my house, town hall, the clinic and the statue alone, "I promise for a better Crystal Pass. One much stronger than old' mustache will allow." He grabs the lens, giving us a fun shot of his teeth, "All within 24-hours. Get ready, here comes the new leading crew. All dressed in black and blue" After that, he pushes the camera down and the feed cuts out.

I ball my fists but for once, I have a clear goal, "Who's ready for whack a tiger?"

AJ and Macri grin with anticipation, Dad surprisingly looks chill. AJ cracks her knuckles, "And the game plan is?"

I fold my arms, "Victor pointed out a lot of places but he started with the main road. He's either gonna block it or blows it up. Marci along with some cops will cover that area."

Marci raises an eyebrow, "I as the ghost would rather not be seen."

"You are a ninja ghost. Both of which are excellent at hiding. I think you're fine." I smile back as the T.V. stops it's static, "I'll help the police cover the college and school."

AJ folds her arms, "I'm not sure if you're keeping count, but there are not that many cops here. At least three-quarters of the force would be away from the town."

"That's why you'll stay here," I know AJ hates staying put, "Keep the government building blocked off and making sure my Dad doesn't get a bat to the stomach."

Dad shrugs his shoulders, "I'd hate to burst your bubble, but this isn't anything new. Myself and many of my employees get threat in varying degrees."

"Don't you think it's a little suspicious that it was announced on T.V. I don't know about you but I think Victor is more determined than these other threats."

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