Chapter 21. Threats

Start from the beginning

"It is unusual but we can't blow up everything this happens."

Marci nods, "He's got a point."

Maybe I am being a little touchy. Still, I'd like to hit those tigers hard and fast, "Fine. We'll downscale. But the three of us will keep the plan."

AJ smirks as Dad's home office line starts ringing, "Sound like a much more sane plan."

Marci grins, reminding me of the Cheshire cat a bit, "But the insane plans are more fun."

I can't tell if she meant that as a joke or not. I'm guessing not as more silents happens. I get the feeling this is too small, "Right. Anyway, we got a clock ladies. See ya tomorrow." I run back upstairs to dress. I can't shake the feeling that there's more to Victor's plan than what he showed us.

He may lead the yellow tigers but he's a snake through and through.

{Location: The red gorge}(Marci's POV)[Two hours later]

I'm so bored. There's nothing in the stupid cannon. I've walked on the ground itself for about an hour, walked in the rock for about for a half an hour and spent the rest of the time either playing with my sia or trying to think of funny jokes to tell my friends. I try kicking a small rock as I mutter to myself, "Knock, knock. Who's there? A broken pencil. A broken pencil who? Nevermind, it's pointless. No, even I use pens more often." I tap my chin with my sia. I've been getting better at actually touching things. I'm still not sure why I'm still in Ninjago but at least I've made another friend. But something in me is restless like I can sense a massive something collection souls like mine. But as to who or what it is, I'm not too sure. Or would rather not want to talk about it. "Knock, knock," I think of another joke.

"Who's there?" Someone just below my calls.

I pause where I'm walking, lean over to see four guys in black and blue clothing, masks, even paint on their hands and necks, "Cows go."

I watch as one of them looks around, "Cows go who?"

Victor really needs some new help. These guys are so stupid. I fade into the ground slowly. I swear I'll never get use to the motion of something solid passing through me. I reach the next lower level, quietly draw my weapons while pulling up my mask. I try kicking the closest guy to me down but pass through and hit the butt end of my sia just under his ear.

He falls like a house of cards, getting the other three to look at me. I give a small wave, "No, silly. Cows go moo."

I get the one to my right to snicker as I run forward and try taking out another guy. I manage to hit his stomach with the ends of my knives, which pushes him down and he just sits there. I take that as a sign of surrender. I turn left, tackling the guy, passing thought him then hit him on the small of his back. He face plants, leaving the last one all alone.

The last one sounds like he's trying to talk through a muffle. He even gets on his knees and holds his hands up. This is the easiest fight ever. I tuck my weapons behind me, step forward and take off his mask. I know him. His light skin, brown eyes and jet black hair like mine.

Eaten? My brother?

I take the muffle off. Maybe this isn't as easy as I first thought. The second thought being, how and why is my older brother here? I hold the muffle as he gasps for air, I've been dead for close to a year. Would he even remember me anymore?

He whimpers as he shakes, "My name is Ethan. I was kidnapped, dressed up then placed here." He turns around, showing me binds around his feet, "The other guys you so rudely knocked out were kidnapped along with me."

I jumped the gun. I help Ethan, then the other more unconscious guys out. They're out cold. Perfect, now I'm the bad guy.

Ethan massages his wrists then tries smearing off the face paint, "Who are you?"

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