Christmas Party!

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December 25th. Christmas! A joyous holiday that many enjoy. There was snow, and decorations, cheer all around. There was even a Christmas party! 

Toriel, Asgore, and Frisk, had invited over Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Papyrus, and Sans who would bring along his daughter Corsiva. Sans had been pretty busy with his newborn girl, and was excited for her t0 experience her first Christmas at about 2 weeks old.

The skeletons and robot were last to arrive to the party. Papyrus was wearing a red Christmas sweater that had said 'JOY' on it, Mettaton was wearing a pink sweater that a star on it and said 'I am the Star'. Sans had a green sweater on that just read 'Ugly Christmas sweater', he was carrying little Corsiva who was in a little onesie that had candy canes on it, it was made to properly fit her four arms, as well as her tail.

Undyne and Alphys were currently making out under the mistletoe, Toriel and Asgore were preparing the food in the kitchen, so they group of four were met by a very excited Frisk. "Hi! you guys are late!" Frisk jumped up to give both Papyrus and Mettaton a hug, they stopped at Sans though. "Is that Corsiva? She's so cute!" Frisk hadn't been able to see her yet, they had been busy with the holidays.

Sans chuckled, "yeah, she's got a bit of tired at the moment." Corsiva was currently trying to sleep in Sans arms and let out a yawn. "Aww!" Then Undyne and Alphys approached. "Yo nerds! Merry Christmas!" The former captain exclaimed, then Alphys more timidly said, "H-hi guys."

The group chatted a bit until eventually Corsiva started to get a little cranky, and Sans decided to move to the couch with her so she could rest. "You two think you're gonna be ready to handle a kid of your own?" Undyne asked Papyrus and Mettaton. Undyne and Alphys were talking about kids themselves, they were aware that Paps and Metta were expecting though. "I'M SURE WE WILL BE THE BEST PARENTS!" Papyrus was confident they would do great. "Besides we have time to prepare." Mettaton added.

 Soon it was time to eat, the food was great. There was ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, and of course pie. After eating the friends and family all moved back into the living room. Toriel and Sans were exchanging Christmas puns "why does santa have 3 gardens? so he can ho-ho-ho." Toriel, and Fisk were sent into a fit of laughter, Alphys giggled a little, and everyone else groaned, Corsiva was just a baby so she just giggled none the less.

Christmas is a fun time for all, weather they're human or if they're a monster. As long you're surrounded by friends and family, you're Christmas will be a success. 


Authors Note

Sorry for the short chapter, the holidays are a busy time. 

Hope you all enjoyed, Thanks for reading!

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays! \(^w^)/

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