One Eventful Night

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The darkness of the night enveloped the town like a blanket. The cold early December breeze was gently blowing, with snowflakes tangled in the wind. A light layer of snow graced the ground, each plant had their own light jacket of frost covering them. 

It was around 7:00 p.m. time had let the sun set and the moon come out, illuminating the night. Papyrus and Mettaton had gone on night out together, and weren't expected back until well after the time Sans should be deep asleep. Mettaton had arranged the date night with Papyrus to tell him something important.

At the moment Sans was sitting in his bed, his lamp was turned on the light up his dim room. He held a science book in one hand while his eyelights scanned the pages, reading the words. The other hand was gently resting on ecto belly. He'd been feeling a little off lately. The house was silent.

Sans shifted in place a little, but then he felt something odd. Liquid drenched his sweatpants and sheets. Realization hitting him like a brick. His water just broke... Sans started to panic a little. Why was this happening now?! The child wasn't due for two more weeks!

A sharp pain dragged him from his thoughts. That was a contraction. There  was no time to question why this was happening. The baby was coming, and it was coming right now. Another more painful contraction ripped through Sans. He really didn't want to do this alone, but it looked as though he had no other choice.

Sans was in for one long night. The pain was almost unbearable. 

~~~~~On The Date~~~~~

Papyrus and Mettaton were having a great time tonight! They had started their date at 4:00 it started out by watching  a movie, then a nice dinner , now they bundled in their warm in their clothes, sitting on a park bench. They had been having conversation of many topics, from work, to plans for the holidays. 

"Pappy darling?" asked Mettaton. "YES METTATON" Papyrus enthusiastically replied. Mettaton smiled, he loved many things about his husband Papyrus, but one of his favorite things about him was his joyous optimism that paired with his enthusiasm. 

Mettaton decided to ask the question. "Would you ever like to have children of our own?" Papyrus looked a little surprised by the question, but his expression turned thoughtful before responding. "WELL YES ACTUALLY. I HAVE WONDERED WHAT OUR CHILD WOULD LOOK LIKE, THEY WOULD MOST LIKELY BE VERY GREAT! THOUGH WHY DO YOU ASK?" Papyrus looked and sounded curious at the sudden question, he though about his older brother who was currently at home. 

"Well I asked because, well... I'm pregnant." Papyrus was silent for a moment caught like a fish on a line by shock, but quickly hugged Mettaton. Happiness flowing through the chilly night air. "WOWIE! THIS IS GREAT NEWS!" Mettaton laughed lightly at his husbands' reaction. 

The hug turned into a passionate kiss, when they parted Papyrus checked the time. It was 11:00 p.m. it was a good thing that no one  had work tomorrow, but it was really late, and cold. 


Sans was breathing heavily, panting. It was over. He cradling his newborn daughter in his arms. She looked different, but to Sans she was beautiful. She had small little horns, she ha a spade tipped tail, four arms, and a set of cute little fangs, as well as the beginning of violet ghost hair.

Her name is Corsiva.  

He had been just holding the crying infant for about an hour now, regaining his strength. Monsters recovered pretty quick from most things, luckily labor and birth was one of them.

Deciding that he had recovered enough, and that his daughter needed to be cleaned, as well as himself, Sans got up carefully on his short legs. Keeping a firm but gentle hold on his baby girl, Sans made his way to the bathroom. 

After having cleaned up his daughter, Sans exited the bathroom. The small infant yawned, as Sans went into the nursery and set her gently in her crib where she fell asleep. Heading back to the bathroom Sans showered and put on clean clothes, before putting his ruined sheets into the wash.

A small cry broke the silence of the house, Sans quickly made his way to the nursery and scooped up his baby girl. "hey, hey it's alright, shh, shh." Sans gently cooed, trying to quell the crying. Just about as soon as it started, the crying stopped. Corsiva looked up curiously at her mother, and she smiled. Sans chuckled they're she had his smile.


Author Note

Spent a while on this one! Next chapter will be out soon! 

this story is far from over!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! \(^w^)/

Also thank you to Lara Limberg for the idea with Mettaton! You are awesome!

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