Thinking About Names

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The middle of October. Crisp autumn air, and bright colorful leaves drifting on a gentle wind. The sky was painted orange and a pinkish red, as the sun set over the horizon. The gentle song of silence by played over the land, even in the skeleton and robot household.

Only Sans and Papyrus were home at the moment, Mettaton had been requested to work later hours today. Papyrus had finished his work in a timely manner as usual, and Sans was on Maternity leave, seeing as he was seven months pregnant. The small skeleton needed to avoid stress, and with the large swell of his middle, where his unborn child resigned, had made it rather hard to work.

At the moment Sans was sitting on the couch, and Papyrus was in the kitchen cooking dinner. Sans was currently looking at list of fonts, deep concentration on his face. Papyrus wanting check on his brother and exited the kitchen and  entered the living room.

Papyrus was by greeted by the sight of his pregnant older brother, who appeared to be deep in the thought. "WHAT ARE YOU READING BROTHER?" Papyrus questioned. Sans looked u from the sheet of paper at his little brother, then looked back down at the paper. "reading this list of fonts to figure out a name for the kid" Was Sans response.

Papyrus cocked his head to the side akin to a puppy. "WHAT ARE THE CHOICES?" Sans seemed thoughtful for a moment, "so far i've  narrowed it down to, for a boy, Algerian,  Julian , and Chiller, for a girl, Arial, Bonnie, and Corsiva." Sans  recited from the paper. 

Papyrus was in deliberation, " THEY ALL SOUND LIKE WONDERFUL NAMES! PERHAPS A CONCISOUS WILL BE REACHED WITH TIME!" Papyrus said with a determined look on his face, and striking a pose. Sans chuckled at his brother's antics, "yeah, give it more thought."

Papyrus dropped his pose and headed back into the kitchen. Sans set the list aside for the moment, and sighed. Eyelights softening as he rubbed his ecto-belly, earning a swift kick form the souling. They seemed to be rather excited at the moment, Sans sent calming pulses of magic to his child. A moment passed then the souling seemed to calm down, they were probably hungry. 

A while later and Mettaton arrived home, and dinner was ready. The three ate, then all them being tired from a long day, went to bed in their respective rooms. It was about 10:00 p.m. a good time to hit the hay, and a warm night of slumber seemed to be calling everyone's names.

Sans lied in bed and thought abought the list of names again. He shook his head, he would think about that later, now was the time to rest. Fatigue setting in Sans let his mind wander and haze with sleepiness, until he was in the land of his dreams. Lately he had been having nightmares, but tonight Sans dreamed of pleasant things, and let a small smile grace his unconscious face.


Author's Note

Sorry this took a while, but I will try my best to post much in the span of this week, really want to get the next 3 chapters out quick for the Christmas special I have planned! ;)

Also leave a comment down below of what names for a boy and girl please!! I want you guys to have a say in some of the story! Tried to pick some creative names hope yall like! XD

Well thanks for reading everybody, and hope you enjoyed! Farewell! \(^w^)/

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