Sleep Has Open Arms

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It was a sunny day. It was halfway through June, there were green leaves on the trees, a gentle breeze, the flowers speckled the area, touching the world with their splendid colors and smells.

In Sans' room, light of the morning sun shone through the blinds, giving the outside light and entrance into the dark room. The pitch of night being eradicated by the light of day. The subtle noise of the others downstairs getting ready for the new day.

Slowly one of Sans' eye sockets opened. He gave a small groan at the invading light, and the fact that he had to get up. Being three months pregnant he had gotten over the morning sickness hurdle, for the most part, but upon entering his second trimester, sleep had become something that was hard to get enough of.

With some hesitance Sans got out of bed and got dressed. He took note that his current clothes were becoming a bit snug. New ones would definitely be in order pretty soon. For now a sweater, some shorts, and his usual blue jacket will have to do. He gently rubbed his slightly swollen midsection where his souling laid peacefully.

After Sans was fully dressed and 'ready' for the day, he opened his door, and went downstairs to the kitchen. In which Papyrus was making bacon and eggs, and Mettaton was helping.


After the hearty breakfast everyone went off to their respected jobs. Mettaton had a show to preform, Papyrus headed off to Undyne's Gym, and Sans went to the science lab.

Today was mostly paperwork for Sans, he had some time to work on the experiment he was assigned, but the work day was rather lack-luster. Alphys had come over to his work area to have lunch, and talk about recent events, science, and of course anime.

"S-so I saw this anime c-called one punch man, i-it's really cool!" Alphys excitedly started explaining what she had so far seen of the show. Sans thought it sounded pretty interesting, "that sounds like a good one, i'll have to check it out sometime." The lizard monster excitedly nodded.

After lunch it was back to work, Sans really enjoyed his job, science was his passion, but he had to admit that there were some boring times. Today was one of those times.


When Sans finally arrived home, Papyrus was already on the couch cuddling with Mettaton, they seemed to be watching some romance movie. "HELLO BROTHER! HOW WAS WORK TODAY?" Papyrus asked. "it was ok, not much worth mentioning." Mettaton just hummed, clearly just as tired as the rest of them.

Sans went into the kitchen and got a glass of water, and ate a sandwich. When he went back into the living room the two on the couch seemed be starting a new movie, "Would like to watch a movie with us?" Mettaton questioned. Sans thought for a moment and shrugged, "sure" was his response.

The movie seemed be an action film, though all the fighting scenes, and shouting couldn't keep Sans away from sleep for long. About halfway through the movie he felt his sockets start to close, and the warm gentle arms of sleep embraced Sans in a quiet hug. Papyrus and Mettaton followed shortly behind, they were all quite after all.

Sans had absentmindedly placed a hand on his midsection before drifting off. He had a genuine, contented smile gracing his features. Sans left the world of consciousness and went into the land of dreams, and wonder.


Author Notes

Sorry it took a while for an update. Man I feel like I apologize for this a lot, but that's life.

So Sans is currently 3 months pregnant in case you were wondering.

Also please check out my other story Magic and Bones.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for reading! (owo)/

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