Chapter Three 🌊

Start from the beginning

"I will help too! It would be so much fun," said Waverly.

We finish up our coffee and then head to a shop that I like to visit to stock up on items for the salon. I also get another smaller order for personal use as well. The shop is small and dimly lit, but I quickly get my order. The shops owner knows me and has my order ready for when I arrive home. We walk around the shops a bit more before Waverly and Coralia decide to head home. They offer to take my bags home because I am meeting up with some childhood friends for dinner.

After saying goodbye I walk down the uneven coral path that leads to the restaurant. The walk is short and I hum a soft melody as I walk. The restaurant is made out of coral that is various shades of blue and white. I step inside am met with multicolored glass lamps that float above the tables.

"AVALON! Yay you are here!" shouts a voice that I recognize as Diana.

I smile at Dianna, and I see that our other friends are sitting next to her. Tryston is to her left, Crystal is next to him and Sye has his arm wrapped around Crystal's shoulder. I smile at Crystal and Sye because it was nice to find out they were mates.

"Yes I am here! Sorry if you were waiting for me. I was spending time with Coralia and Waverly," I said as I sit down net to Sye.

Crystals waves her hand, "Oh do not worry about it because you are not late. It is great that you were able to spend time with your sisters".

Sye nods in agreement, "It is good enough that we are able to spend some time together while you are home".

"Yep! Hopefully next time you visit Marina and Zarya can come too," said Dianna.

The server comes to our table to take orders and then leaves. Thankfully I knew that o wanted because I always order the same few meals here. When I am home this is the one time I can eat dishes from back home that I love.

"That would be lovely but it is difficult for us to get the same time off from work," I said.

"That is rather difficult then. I suppose that we are lucky that we have the same holiday days," said Tryaton.

Holiday days refers to the days that all mere people do not have to go to work. People are allowed to take time off aside from these days as long as it is approved by their superior at work.

"The surface has days similar to holiday days but there are not as many. I suppose that is why we prefer to stay home than visit," I said.

"Do you not get that many days off at a time?" asks Crystal.

"No we do not. The most we get off is for Thanksgiving. I give my workers more time off for Christmas and New Year," I said.

Christmas is a human holiday but it is one we become accustomed to. I do not confessed New Year to be a human holiday because we also celebrate it. One holiday that has become a quick favorite is Uni Day, which celebrates the
unity and peace between the humans and supernatural species. We celebrate with BBQs with friends and family. Marina, Zarya and I attend the block party where we live every year.

"Oh so that is why you all are able to visit for so long then," said Diana.

The sever returns with our drinks and food. He asks us if we need anything else, and we tell him no. He enjoys us a nice meal and that he will return later to check on us. I stare at my plate happily, and then grab my utensils. Oh how I am going to love my fish platter with seaweed!

"Is there anything new with you Avalon? No news on a mate yet?" asks Tryston.

As I take a bite of my fish I stare into his blue eyes. His eyes are darker than usual as they gaze over my body. I shiver lightly at the unpleasant feeling of being stared at by such hungry eyes . I am aware that Tryston has feels for me, but I have never seen more than a childhood friend.

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