Really? Chapter 4

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All of you readers, i love you so much! You all mean a lot to me! I really want to know what you all think or if you have questions or suggestions! I will try to reply to all of you! If you fan me I WILL fan back! Just keep reading! I dont know if you've noticed but I dont have many reads so if you like this story tell people about it! :) VOTE>FAN>COMMENT



   My eyes flutter open. I see the tan walls around me. I sit up the sleeping bag slidding out from under me. I focuse on the bowl of popcorn and the root beer cans that are sitting on the glass coffee table. That's right! Last night Allie and I had stayed but watching scary movies together. I look at Allie who is still sleeping in her pink sleeping bag, cuddling with a fuzzy teddy bear. 

   I reach over and grab my Iphone 4s. It's 9:30, eww it's still early! I feel my phone vibrate in my hand. 


Liam Payne: Wake up!

I text back..

Heather Fields: It's early I WANT SLEEP

Liam Payne: We will be at ur house 2 pic u and allie up in 20 mins

Heather Fields: WHAT?

Liam Payne: go get ready!!!!

Heather Fields: OK BII!!!

I slide my phone shut and jump on Allie. 

Liam's P.O.V

  In to my Iphone.

To: Heather Fields

Bii! I really really like you 

  But insteed of hitting send I click delete. Why can't I do it? Why cant I tell Heather how I feel? It's beacuse she likes Harry not me. What does he have that I don't... OH YA EVERYTHING! I could be so much better to her than Harry could ever be. He will like her for 2 days and then break her beautiful heart. Harry is an idiot! He's a... a... man slut. Exactly

Heather's P.O.V

"AHHHHH" Allie screams shoving me off her. I land on the floor with a thud. 

" The boys are going to be here in 20 minutes and I dont know where we are going! We have to get ready quick!" I yell at her. Her triumphant grin disappers. She turns around and runs up the stairs probally going to my room. I get up and follow.  

  I push open the door.

"WHAT DO I WEAR!" Allie screams. I rush to my closet and trow her jean shorts and a flower tank top.

"Thanks" She says running into my bathroom. I search in my closet for what I should wear. Yes! I find some cute white denim short shorts. Now for the shirt. I find a cute green crop top. I yank my shirt over my head and run to my dreeser to grab a bra. I put that, my crop top, and the shorts on. Just as Allie comes out of the bath room. I brush my hair and put it into a tight high ponytail. 

" HEATHER YOUR WEIRD FRIENDS ARE HERE!" I here a girl call. Oh, Jayne must be home from Brian's house. Jayne is my older sister, last night she went to a party at her '' boyfriends" house. They wherent dating but Jayne really, really likes him.

" 5 MINUTES!!!" I yell back. I quickly put on some light mascara and eye liner. I step out of the bathroom. 

" You look amayZAYN!" Allie exclaims, "see what i did there?"

" Haha nice. Right back at ya sexy beast" I smirk.

" We are so pretty" She smiles. We link arms and skip until we reach the stairs. Then we unlink our arms and straighten up.

" Dont fall" Allie whisper in my ear. I stick my tongue out at her. She know I can be very clumsy. She starts to walk and I follow. I try not to make eye contact, that could be awkward. I look over at them for a second, to find Liam looking at me. We make eye contact and he smiles, but I quickly look away. We reach the bottom of the stairs and the boys get up and run over here. Harry throws Allie over his shoulder and carries her like a fireman. Liam does the same to me and I laugh, what can I say Im ticklish.

     The boys run to the door. " Bye Jayne" I yell. " Bye be safe" She calls. The boys laugh. They are so dirty. I bump up and down as the walk down the front steps. I can hear the thwack of the closinfront door. Now I try to slide out of Liam's stong grip but fail the attempt. Im thrown into the back seat of the "One Direction Mobile". It's the guys version of the batmobile. I sit up. Im next to Niall and Liam, Allie is nex tto zayn in the back. Louis is driving and Harry's got shotgun. 

"Where are we going" I demand. 

" It's a surprise" Liam says mysteriously.

" I hate surprises" I glare at him jokingly but I do have surprises.

" Oh you'll like it" He smiles. Who can I get to tell me, who. Niall. I turn so Im facing him and snuggle up to him.

"So, Niall," I flirt giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, "where are we going?"

  He pulls at the collar of his polo nervously. He looks out the window no making eye contact. 

"Don't give in" Zayn calls out. I need to do better. I turn his face towards mine and smack my lips agenst his then pull away.

" The zoo" Niall says.

" I always get what I want!" I smile.

" Wait do you like Niall?" Louis asks. 

" No" I say" well not in that way" 

" Then.. " Harry starts.

"ACTING! Haha wow your guys are easy to fool." I grunt. 

" Well we're not very good actors so how would we know" Zayn says. 

" Let's act" Harry smiles.

'" Na maybe later... haha not more like never" I giggle. He fake frowns but Im almost positive I will "act" with Harry someday... soon.

" WE ARE HERE!" Louis screams as he parks the car. He jumps out as soon as the car stops.

"Louis Tom...." I start.

" Good catch, Mummy Direction" He laughs.

" Number One: Nice noncatch. Number Two: Please dont... ah what the heck your not going to stop so who cares" I sang out.

" Good choice Mummy Direction!" He laughed skiiping to the entrance.

" Seven day passes" He says to the girl behind the counter.

" Ok..." she starts but then look up, " Your.."  She's cut off my Louis covering her mouth with his hand. He grabs a peice of paper and a pen off the counter. He quickly writes some thing down and passes it to the other boys. Probally signing. The girl gives us our passes and the boys give her the paper. We walk away.

" I  think she licked my hand" Louis shutters. This was going to be a really long day.

"TURTLES!" Liam screams and runs away.

" Liam! Where did he go!"


I hope you like this! I learned how to add a picture! This is what Heather looked like going to the zoo!!!!


- ohecgirl

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