Pizza Chapter 3

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Hi,my wonderful readers! I just wanted to say you all are so awsome!! I dont have many reads so tell your friends. I you could that would mean a lot to me. COMMENT>FAN>VOTE but mostly I would love comments cause I want to know what ya'll think. (like my western word? ya haha)



     We canter back up to the barn. The rest of the ride was amazing. We all hung out by a creek, and Harry pushed me in! Which I secretly thought was amazing. I made him carry my saddle. I didnt want to get that wet, it's to expensive. My tight riding pants now look even tighter.  As we get off I walk over to Harry. "Thanks" I smik. He makes a cheeky face and sticks his tongue out at me, but he hands over the saddle. I lead Firecracker into a stall well I put my sadle away.

" Untack your horses" I call out to the boys.  They untack by  themselves with  just a little help, but hand over the saddles so I can put them away. Liam refuses to let me take his stuff, so he comes with me.

Liam's P.O.V ( A/N: Haha this is my first time :P )

     Heather offered to take my saddle for me. I refussed, and insisted that I carry it. I really hope staying up till midnight watching horse video's made it seem like I know what Im doing. I really want to Impress Heather. The way that Harry flirts with her makes me so mad, but she likes him. The thing is I dont know if he likes her, but hell Harry likes every girl with tight pants. We step into the tack room.

" Have you been around horses before?" Heather asks, taking her beautiful wavy blond hair out of it's ponytail then putting it back up. Liam she asked you a question answer you idiot.

"Not really" I say which is true, ive only watch tons of video's last night but I really do like horses.

"You're really good with them" She smiles. SCORE!!

" Thanks" I smile back, lifting the saddle above my head and sliding it into a high saddle rack.

Heather's P.O.V

  I watch Liam lift the saddle above his head with those muscular arms of his. He did it so effortlessly. I could probally do that but I would be hard I'm 5'6 i dont even think I could reach it. Liam looks over and gives me a cute smile. What am I saying I like Harry not Liam, right?  We walk out of the tack room together and over to the boys.

" LET'S GET PIZZA!" Niall yells (demands). " Niall we all look disgusting. Your covered with dirt from head to toe. Paul will not be happy if the paps of a fan get a picture of you guys like this"I scold him.

" Mommy Directon, yaaa" Louis says.

" AM NOT" I yell shoving my middle finger up at him.

" Order it, duh" Niall mocks. I give him a flick my finger at him to, then turn and walk away.

" You call I gotta take the horses out" I call over my shoulder." I'll help" I heard a husky foice call. Harry, I think to myself. Finally some time with sexy Harry.

  I let Harry take Blue and Macho Man. I take Carrot, Splashes , Sunny and Cobalt ( it's hard to take all the horses if you try watch out). Firecracker I have trained so well that I just let her out of her stall and she walks over to the pasture. Harry and I let the horses in and sit on the fence watching them play around, jumping and bucking like little kids.

" Im really happy Liam met you that day," Harry starts," If he didnt I would off never met you. You're just so sweet and fun. I love hanging out with you."

   What a flirt. But who care the's flirting with ME. If this for really? Someone pinck me. I reach my arm over to my other one. Ouch! Why would I do that? Im so stupid some times. If you askone of my friend they will say Im like that all the times. Which Is not true. Im just not  always really smart. Harry puts his arm around my shoullders. NO WAY DOES HARRY FREAKEN STYLES LIKE ME!!! No, but I dont know he could just be being friendly. No, he likes me!!!!

    Stay calm, Heather. OMG!OMG! I cant stay calm, Harry Freakin Styles's arm in around my shoulders. Should I ask him? No, he'll say something, I just know it. Someone clears their throat behind us. Harry and I both turn our heads to the inside. His lips brush my nose. I blush as I turn my head to see Liam. " Pizza Is here" He says stomping off.

  What died in this trousers? Something scared me, that look in his eyes what was it hatred, jealousy? I really want to know. What did I do wrong?  Harry jumps off the fence and grabs me by the waist and throws me over his shoulder.

"HARRY! HARRY! PUT ME DOWN NOW!" I scream.  Everyone runs out of the barn panicked.

"HELP" I yell!

"Someone needs help!" Louis says ripping his shirt off revealing a superman shirt. Really, Lou? "SUPERMAAAAAANNNNNNNN" hollars running over to Harry and shaking me from his grasp. He carries me bridal stays as he run towards the group. He places me in Liam's arms. I blush, I look up at Liam who is blushing too. He gently sets me down.

"Where do we eat?" Niall asks his mouth full of a peice of pizza he snuck out of the box.

" Kitchen" I say heading for our whte farm house. I open the door to find my dad in there.

"uh, Dad we are kidda going to be eating in here. I say placeing the pizza box on the granite counter.Dad smiles. His fuzzy gotyee thing raises.

" Ok. I'll leave." He says walking closer to the boys" Dont get any idea's and if you break her heart in anyway.." He says the her traces a like on his neck with his finger and rolls his eyes back.

" Dad out" I demand. He laughs and walks down tha carpeted stairs into the basement closing the door behind him. Allie grabs a punch off paper plates out of the mahogany cabinet, throwing them on the counter. The boys push their way trying to get a plate and then a big slice of pepperoni pizza.


" Mommy Direction" Louis laughs pointing at me.

" Shut up, Lou" I glare. He runs over to Harry and fake cries into his shirt.

" Look what you did. Your k Boobear. You'll be alright" He hushes.  We all burst out laughing. Well, everyone but Louis and Harry.

" Freaks" Niall laughs. Zayn is leaning against the counter in hesterics. Allie and Liam are doing a simiar thing. I grab the lemonade pitcher out of the fridge and set it on the counter well I grab cups. I set them on the counter and start pouring the cool liquid into them. Niall takes a sip and then starts to laugh. The lemonade squirts out of his mouth.

"Niall' we all say. I grab him a nappkin. He gets on his knees and starts to wipe it up. Then I feel bad so I grab some and get down to help too. "thanks"  he whispers in to my ear. Then I laugh " It was preety funny" I smile. He smiles back. He's such a sweet kid.I know he's 18 but he acts (and kinda looks) like he could be 16.

  I  stand up and smile. I love these boys!


How do you guys like it?? VOTE>COMMENT> FAN

you guys are the best!! Oh and I made a change Heather is 18 not 19.


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