So, It's Been A Month...

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Hi. I'm feeling better.

So I wanna give a shout out to someone.


Ryan has voted on most/all of my chapters in this and stuck with me through the month that I haven't updated.

Ryan gave me motivation to start writing again. Ryan has also been reading since the beginning of this book.

I wanna say thank you Ryan for doing this.

Most of my fans have come from Ryan but if you didn't then please go check him out.

And anyone else who did stick with me, thank you.

Now. Some other stuff.

I'm only going to update this story for now. I'm not going to update anything else.

Within the next 2-3 days I'm going to catch you guys back up on my life.

I got a haircut so I'm happy about that.

Sorry that I took so long. But I'm back now. Yay?

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