I Love My Family...

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So I just has birthday cake at my grandma's house and we were looking at pictures of me when I was born.

So. I was eating my cake and I saw that I have a white blanket on after I was born and a white hat with a pink bow. And I made a "did they just assume my gender" joke. Because I'm hilarious. And they laugh at my great jokes. And I'm a dead meme.

Anyway after about 20 minutes after everyone left I was sitting with my g-ma on my mom's side. She told me it was kind of a weird thing to say. I said it was a joke. She told me that if there is any possible chance that I'm gay or trans. She would Exept me no matter what.

I told her and she said that she still loves me and that she glad I'm comfortable saying that to her. She loves that I can talk to her about it.

She even mentioned a man that we both know (I didn't know she knew him) who is transgender and she said that She loves that everyone around him is so excepting.

Her talking about him first made me more comforatable to say it.

I am out to my grandma.

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