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I had the perfect chance to tell my mom that I am trans. But I didn't take it.

We were having a conversation. It kind went like:

Her " You can be a princess fairy."

Me "What if I want to be a prince fairy?" Half joking.

Her " You can be whatever you want to be. But I don't know if there is a such thing as a prince fairy."

Me "Well I'll make it a thing."

My mom and I are are very childish by the way.

She practically said that if I want to be a boy. That up to me and she would Exept it.

I feel like I should have told her. But I guess it's just the universe's way of saying that I'm not ready.

Now every time I look at her I feel like I'm being stabbed in the chest with anxiety because I know I have to say something at some point.

When I'm with my mom I bring up the LGBT+ community a lot as if to lay out some hints for her. And for me to see how she would handle the  situation of me telling her.

Telling her that I'm Pan/A isn't gonna be very hard. It's harder for me to say I'm trans.

Lately I've been overwhelmed just being around my dad/step mom or my mom for a long period of time. Sometimes it happens when I'm with them for just a few minutes. But that's usually only when they bring up me being trans.

I love them. And I know they love me. But my dad and step mom don't seem to understand what I try to tell them. And I'm having the hardest time trying to tell my mom.

I'll get through this. I know I will. I always do.

Anyway. Please check out my newest book. Phoenix. It's my pride and joy. I have more chapters coming but don't want to post them without any readers.

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