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When Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore tells Severus Snape at the Yule Ball that he feared students were sorted too soon, they were re-sorted. The end result was quite astonishing. It had only been Harry's will that had kept him from Slytherin the first time. Remorseful and grieving over Cedric's death, he hates the world for thinking him a cheat. Thus he joins his step-brother, Draco. Ron and Neville were only placed in Gryffindor for their families, despite the obvious factor they were virtually Squibs. However, their loyalty ensures their place in Hufflepuff. Hermione, as we all know, was keen to enter Gryffindor on the proviso that Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of all time in her eyes, had been one himself. When qualities were revalued, the hat claimed Ravenclaw, having read the young girl's brilliant mind. Ginny, as witty as she was fierce and funny, joined her. Padma, though still clever, had courage running through her veins. And Blaise had only been sorted into Slytherin for his ethnicity: Pure-blood, and turned out to be a pleasant and brave young man.

As times were getting darker, and Voldemort, stronger, Harry was plagued by visions. Draco, anxious to help his step-brother, but unsure of his loyalties, began an extensive search of the library with his long-time nemesis, Hermione. She too knew of the visions; she wanted to help him save Harry. But Umbridge discovers their plan. Draco is punished severely and all contact is lost between him and his brother, and the rest of the world. He is recruited by Umbridge but it isn't long before there will be a bigger destiny for young Draco Potter: he is to kill Dumbledore. Hermione creates the DA: Dumbledore's Army, in favour of getting rid of the hated professor. Draco is, alone, out of it. He must claim his destiny; he must betray his friends. He has no choice.

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