The Expected Fall.

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18. "The Expected Fall."

"Don't expect Mangoes, when you planted Papayas."
-M.A Gibson.

11:54 P.M


I poured the hot tea in the mugs and watched Tucker look around Grace and I family photos in the livingroom. I was shocked that she snatched me into a closet earlier and was more shock she wants to finally tell about whats going on with the the jerkoff, Rowell. I walked over to the Biege couch and we took a seat as I handed her the mug.

She sipped it and relished in all its greatness, "Havent had freshly brewed tea since college." I covered in the plush cover as I responded, "well, im glad Im able to fix that. Also, I added a splash of honey to soothe the baby."

Felicity rubbed her stomach and said, "Chile, you going to wake him up. I went for a checkup last week. I have him in three months-I havent even told my parents. Its just the man thats the father is not my ideal father for my child."

I replied, "Can I be real with you-hell i am going to be anyways. He was something new, huh? Being around his smart ass all day made him more attractive. He is sexy ass hell no doubt. He showed you the bit of attention your husband didnt. Im not going to judge you, believe me. I just want you to be safe."

Doctor Tucker rubbed my leg and confessed, "he told me what you tried to do and what he did to you. This is why I cant keep my mouth close anymore. I will not be able to live if he hurts you. We have developed the kind of mother-daughter bond. Even though we aint that far in age." I burst out laughing and she pointed at me and said, "hey,dont laugh at me. You want to know whats weird, I didnt expect you to be the one who I attached myself too. I thought it will be Grace, especially how eager she was and her skills in the O.R. You should have seen her today with the little boy Charlie Dunam. She was even relieved he made it out alive." I couldnt let her know that Grace told me about the screwup she did. I just sat there and nodded.

I changed conversation quickly, "so, what are we going to do about Rowell, because I was thinking. How about this--"

8:45 A.M the next dayyyy.


"Goodmorning, Sally Wally."

She sat up eager in the bed and said, "Reggie Weggie, is time huh?"

I chuckled, "not for the surgery, but for you to get on the asthmatic machine." I placed the fast mask upon her face and her Mom laid tedious across the uncomfortable lay out bed. The bags under her eyes were big enough for her to go shopping with. Sally situation will be hard on any parent, plus with her basically in competition against people for a lung transplant. And with sally healthcare she is on a longer list. Money is the root of everything, this little girl deserves to live. I hope this Domino thing works out for the patient.

I whispered, "Ill be right back,morning jello our secret." She gave me a thumbs up as the fog from the medicine escape the holes in the mask. Jello sooths the throat and helps with her breathing.

I walked out and crashed in Andre, as I placed my pager on. He said, "Can I like be your intern today?"

I chuckled as he followed me down the pediatric wing towards the cafe.

"If you havent noticed, we are all still interns."

"Avery, isnt budging. He still is being a little bitch." Andre whispered. I replied, "And he shouldnt? You was having sex with his boyfriend."

Andre placed his arm in front of me and said, "hold up, when did you become #teamNovak. If I were you, i'd be thanking the blackmail now you can go back to your little puppy love for the man."

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