The Real Twenty Four.

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02. "The Real Twenty Four."

"I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."
-Groucho Marx

July 2nd

8:00 A.M


The fluorescent lights were blinding, but all the same, Ku stared towards her Chief of Surgery and his familiar guest; the events of yesterday a distant blur.

"The real twenty four hours of being an intern start today," The Chief began, "Yesterday, some of you merely got your feet wet; and others may have slipped. As you know, I'm the Chief of Surgery here at WoodHayes; Jose Combs. This person to the left of me is Doctor Thomas Avery, and he will be taking the five most promising of you interns under his wing; to better equip you with the set of skills you'll need to survive your first year. As some of you may also know, Avery here is the best general surgeon in the state of New Jersey. He was watching you guys work yesterday and has chosen his trainees; Doctor Avery?"

Ku swallowed spit and tugged at her scrub sleeves, she was beyond nervous. The interns had all had heard rumors about the "Golden Five interns," yesterday; but they had all thought it was some kind of joke. Doctor Avery cleared his throat- a handsome man with light brown skin, wavy hair, broad shoulders, and experience evident in his posture-and Ku was forced to face the harsh reality of why she was really here; to assure her future.

"Don't get me wrong," Avery began, "the rest of you guys with Doctor Rowell and Doctor Tucker will most likely become excellent surgeons as well. However, after an extensive watch of you all yesterday on rounds, and throughout orientation, I've chosen Andre Combs..."

Ku looked over at the young man and rolled her eyes. People like him tended to make her grind harder towards success. Typically in her culture, she was raised to despise those who were spoon fed throughout their lives. Her father and mother came to the states, practically in a box, when she was just two; so she looked to herself to strive even further than they had. Andre Combs made her furious, he got the best doctor to assist him just because he was the chief's son; for a moment it was almost painful to recall the dramatic episode of his hangover merely a day ago.

"...Rosie Jones, Grace Young..." Avery continued. The two women, who looked as though they were plucked right out from the city streets, hopped towards him with large smiles on their faces. There were only two spots left to fill, and Ku felt every ounce of bitterness she could muster; her experience alone felt enough for her to justify admission.

"Excuse me," another man said, interrupting her thoughts with the realization that he was trying to get by. He had to have been the name Doctor Avery called almost just as quickly as the last two, "...Reggie Simon..."

How could I not be chosen? I want to be apart of the Golden Five, I need this.

"Last," Doctor Avery announced, a firm smile tugging at his lips, "but certainly not least, a woman with a recommendation list at her med school so long that I'd be a fool not to mold her; Miss Kumadavati Pillai."

Without a single falter, Ku stood up and walked quickly over to the other four interns; the impression that they were all beneath her now firmly implanted in her head. They may have been apart of the same interning group, but Ku was dead set on surpassing all of them. She hadn't come to WoodHayes to make friends, she needed distractions and surgeries to keep her above ground.

Following a few closing remarks from the chief, Doctor Avery headed off down an unfamiliar hall, Ku and the other four interns following behind him. Ku took a moment to observe her competition: the other two women seemed to be admiring him from the back, and the other two men appeared to be best friends. It wasn't too hard for her to come to the realization that she was completely on her own in this; but that didn't seem to bother her one bit.

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