Now My Heart Is Broken.

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06. "Now my Heart is Broken."

"And just like that my heart is broken, I can barely breathe and now I'm open for suggestions."

8:30 P.M


"God!" The woman screamed from her place on the floor, the blood still oozing out from under the cloth Doctor Avery had applied to her wound.

"I have to keep pressure on this wound," he noted aloud, in hopes that the sounds of sirens were heading in their direction. After several more moments, the red and blue lights became visible through one of the far windows, Thomas was relieved, but there was still so much work to get done.

"Simon," he ordered, a gruffness in his tone, "you come back with me to the hospital."

Reggie nodded in one moment, although still in shock, and in another the EMTs were upon them; gurney practically glued to their sides.

"Her pulse is good, but she's losing a lot of blood. There's indication of multiple stab wounds, and her abdomen's rigid, so we need to get moving now!"

The two men scooped the young lady onto the gurney only too watch helplessly as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"Move it!" Thomas ordered, "That knife must have hit a main organ; Simon let's go."

In a moment, Reggie looked back at Andre, and then waved goodbye as he was violently yanked out to Thomas's range rover.

"So, this is Thomas Avery on Friday nights?" Reggie finally asked as the man started the engine and began to pull out of the parking lot.

Thomas looked over towards the intern and couldn't help but smile; all before punching the gas as they hit the highway.

"Can you slow down, or at least let me drive?" Reggie asked, "You are kind of tipsy, I don't think it will be safe for you to go in that hospital trying to work on her. You gave the EMTs enough, let them do their jobs."

Even among the whirring buzz, that seemed to echo throughout his entire body, Thomas knew Reggie was right. He had had a few more than he should have, so he doubted he would be of any use in the O.R.

"Okay, fine, but let me take you somewhere; I used to go when I was a bit younger than you," He finally added.

"Fine, but can you at least slow down, I'm too young to die. All I've done in life is school, please don't let me die without living!"

"I'd never do anything to hurt you."

As soon as the words had left Thomas's mouth he could feel the tension welling up in the vehicle. Reggie was scared, he could make out the visible noises of deep breaths; but he was scared too.

9:00 P.M


"The Rusty Nail gave me rustic, not murderous," Andre yelled as the quartet of friends walked out of the Rusty Nail.

"Exactly, then to see the cops slam the guy that stuck that knife in her? I won't be returning to this place anytime soon; but I'm definitely not ready to say goodnight," Grace added.

"Me either," Rosie added.

Even Ku agreed; without any goading from the others at that.

"Regg and I have liquor and poker back at the place, let's go. He's definitely going to be mad he had to work tonight," Andre suggested with an added chuckle for the full effect.

KnotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora