Crash, And BOOM.

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12. "Crash, And Boom."

"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time."
-Mark Twain

3:30 P.M


"Get this lady to an O.R STAT and page Rowell," Thomas barked at one of the EMTs as they loaded the injured woman into the ambulance.

"Tell him that the patient's head is cut front to back. She is loosing a lot of blood, however, she is responsive so there's time for a C.T scan to make sure their isn't any further complications."

With that, the door closed in front of him and the ambulance took off; leaving him to direct his attention back to the disaster that had befallen the general area. Both Thomas and his team had been at the impact site for hours and already it just appeared to be a dead pool.

Who would do something like this?

Despite the fact that a federal building had been bombed, if anyone could see this tragedy they would be probably be awed at how such an elaborate disaster could occur.

"Help me, please God help me!" Thomas heard a man cry out from afar. Since there were no visible signs of the man after a few minutes of searching, Thomas could only assume he was under the several thousand pounds of debris that littered the gradual area. He looked around for aid but Phil was attending to a guy on the ground, as well as two of the other interns he'd been assigned. He spotted Andre, who was loading a guy into an ambulance and shouted, "Doctor Combs, assist me!"

The pair ran towards the general vicinity of the man, skipping, hopping, and maneuvering through various amounts of debris. By the time they had made it to him safely, they were both obviously disturbed by the sight before them. The man's face was nearly burned beyond recognition, and his leg was gnarled by what had probably been debris fragments.

"My leg," the man muttered, "Oh God my leg." He sounded Italian, but seemed to be missing the fact that half of his face was gone; of which could only suggest third degree burns. Andre removed what he could from the injury and the two men dragged him a safe distance away.

"We have to get this man to the hospital now," Thomas shouted up into the chaos.

"We're done up here," Thomas heard Phil shout into the void, "Do you guys need help?"

"Yes, grab a gurney and EMTs stat!"

"We are going to try to save your leg," Andre noted, redirecting his attention back to the man, "What's your name?"


4:00 P.M


Reggie checked the results of Mister Scott's scans and found little relief in the fact that his new assumption was correct. There was a large amount of bleeding around the bladder, and he was certain that the man needed surgery now if he had any chance of surviving.

"Page Tucker and prep an O.R!" Reggie shouted at one of the nearby nurses in the hallway. She nodded, just as he rushed into Mr. Scott's new room to inform him of the procedure.

"Mister Scott, I was correct. We'll need to get you prepped for surgery in a few minutes; and you'll need to sign a few forms."

For a moment, there was a long silence from the older man, his fists clinching the hospital bed until they were nearly chalk white.

"I always did everything right," the man noted, "Always lived life to the fullest. Now, because of some stupid man throwing a bomb into a much death."

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