The Sound Of Help.

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04. "The Sound of Help."

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
-Dalai Lama

8:55 A.M





There was a dreaded knock, and Andre couldn't believe he was the one making it. He hadn't spoken to his father since the last time he was at his office door; and the only reason he was here now was to secure extra rent money for the month.

"Come in," his father finally announced, making his stomach churn in disgust. However, he slowly grabbed the door knob and inched his way inside of the room; making note of the man's sudden interest in standing to greet him. His father patted down the wrinkles in his coat and offered a light smile, probably in hopes of lightening the mood; but Andre wasn't having it. He had caught the man, who he had always secretly aspired to be, cheating on his mother; and he was genuinely shocked.

Growing up with his sister, Julia, seemed like the ideal life in New Jersey: a rich surgeon for a dad, a gorgeous mother, dreamboat son, and a beautiful daughter. He had never had to ask for anything that he couldn't just order or go get himself. However, Andre had always admired his parents relationship more than any of the other perks; the fact that his father would cheat seemed unbelievable.

"I just made coffee, it's over on the counter if you'd like some," his father added to the silence; his old man likely aware of his obsession. Andre quickly walked over and whipped up a small cup, snapping the black top back on the device as he made his way over towards one of his father's chairs.

"Look Dad," the young man began, sitting down, "I'm not here to discuss what I saw the other day. I know I've been dodgy, but I'm here for a little extra mon-"

"Twenty thousand will be wired to your account shortly," his father noted, cutting him off in the process. Andre had just received cash faster than any other time he had begged his father; and he couldn't help but wonder if the man was trying to buy him off. Seeing as there was nothing appropriate left to discuss, Andre finally stood up and made his way towards the door before his father's words froze him in place.

"Dre, it was just a fling, it didn't mean anything."

"Just like mom then, huh?" Andre replied, before rushing out of the room and slamming the door behind him.If he were a better son, he'd probably pummel the man pieces, but he had rounds to get to. The man had dropped a diamond to pick up a pebble, and he had every intention of making him pay for it.

10:00 A.M


"Doctor Rowell, has John Doe mentioned anything regarding his name?" Ku asked eagerly, unable to believe she had been able to go on this long without her father outing her.

"Actually, no," Doctor Rowell noted with an agitated sigh, "Hasn't spoken a word to anybody. A therapist has been trying to get through him, but the patient has had any major results. His surgery went well though, we were able to salvage everything leading up from the elbow. However, he can't be released until a family member shows up to take him." Ku immediately felt relief wash over her body as soon as Rowell finished his updated report, but the harder part still remained: Ku needed someone to help get him back home. WoodHayes helped her escape, she hadn't been there for long and she already started to feel trapped by her demons.




Reflexively, Ku pulled out her pager and immediately realized she'd forgotten about the scheduled briefing with Doctor Avery and the others. She excused herself from Doctor Rowell and scrambled down the hallway towards the general elevators. Quickly, she hopped on, pressed the big number two button, and was almost immediately called to, "Hold it," of which led her to stop the doors from closing. They retracted enough to allow one of her coworkers, of which she soon recognized to be Andre, to board.

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