This time I look at him and I can see the worry in his blue eyes, "Please Blaze. I am not the bad guy here."

I glance over to see Patrick had also stepped out of the room and it was now just the two of us for a few more minutes.

"Look it wasn't even anything bad. I was fine, everything is fine," I press but it sounds more like I am trying to convince myself that.

I make a move to get up again but he just grabs my wrist again, "You can act tough all you want Blaze, but there is still a bruise on your cheek."

"Why are you still trying?" I ask getting frustrated leaning down to get closer to him as more people start to enter the classroom including Patrick

"Because you're apart of us, you can't walk away from that. We don't drop friends and we won't allow you to do that to us," He pauses before continuing, "At least not for the reason you are trying to."

Before I can say anything in response the bell rings and I have to sit back down next Axel.

"Partner work today class. Dissect and discuss the Hamlet Monologue with your partner and be prepared to talk in front of the class if called on," Patrick says before sitting down at his desk.

I slowly sink and wait for Axel to get the packet of Hamlet out, "why are you taking this class?" I ask trying to avoid picking up where we left off.

"What do you mean?" He asks calmly playing along with my topic change. But he is unable to look at me.

"Shakespeare isn't really a popular author for high schoolers. So why take this class?" I ask as he slides the packet towards me.

"I like it."

I twist my body to face him surprised by his answer and annoyed he won't look at me. He noticed my surprise and rolls his eyes.

"Oh," I comment slowly.

"What? dudes can't be into literature?" He asks sarcastically as I bite my lip to hide my smile.

"Oh, that's not what I meant," I say cautiously trying not anger the beast, "I just didn't expect you of all people to have a poetic side."

"Thanks, really fucking sweet of you-"

"That didn't come out right either," I interrupt and I can feel his body tense next to me, "it's just..."

For the first time, I am at a lost for words. I open and close my mouth unable to think of how to say this nicely.
I really don't wanna piss him off seeing how despite it all I'm glad he still talks to me. When I miss Hazel and Jax or Mason and Jackson, Axel pops up and makes the ache disappear for as long as he is here.

As dumb as it sounds I would miss our banter, I miss his intrusive questions and under the breath comments. But the glimpse of his softer side has me even more wound around his finger.

Not that I would ever admit it aloud but when he speaks softly to me, or when he takes care of this friends. It's like meeting the real him, and that is someone I want to get to know.

I push some hair behind my ears slowly before saying, "literature is always raw and honest. So I wouldn't expect you to be able to appreciate it when you won't even tell me anything about your self."

There is silence in response and I dare to look up meeting his blue rods with my
brown ones.
"I could say the same thing about you, Blaze."

I look back down at the textbook knowing he is right. I want to see that other side of him but what have you given him to trust me. Then I blurt it out before I could stop myself, "I want to be."

I feel his head turn back towards me as I stay staring at the textbook, "what?"

"I want to be honest and truthful," I confess, "but I can't. That's why I think I love it because it holds everything I wish I was."

I waited for his laughter or his snarky comment about how ridiculous I sounded. I even had a comeback swimming around my head waiting to be released.
"My mother," he says softly and my head snaps up, whether from his tone or the fact he was talking about his mom I don't know but I had to hear the rest of it.

I lean in waiting for him to continue, "my mom loved it, reading and writing were her life. Her favorites were always classic British authors and poets but she had a soft spot for Shakespeare," he says with a ghost of a smile on his lips, "because of his iambic pentameter she thought it would put me and Jax to sleep pretty quick so she would read us Shakespeare."

I smile, "bet that backfired," I say as he glances at me with raised eyebrows.

"How so?" He asks curiously and I leisurely placed my chin into my palm.

"Well, I bet you stayed up trying to hear the endings."

He didn't appear to want to say something but by his small smile, I know I hit the nail on the head.

"Blaze, come here," Patrick asks signaling me towards him and I groan before raising out of my seat.

I drag my legs towards him as we leave out of the door to talk in the hallway. Great idea because last time we talked in a Hallway it led to the mess of Axel's curiosity. I follow him out the door before turning to Patrick who has a concerned look on his face, "What is it now father," I ask sarcastically with a grin.

"Don't joke with me," He says sternly, and I raise my hands up in defense.

"Calm down Patrick she's only five months pregnant don't go acting like a dad just yet," I say with a chuckle and he just crosses his arms and waits for me to shut up.

I sigh, "Okay look, it wasn't like I went looking for a bruised cheek."

"Who gave it to you?" he asks and I look him dead in the face.

"A rock."

"A rock?"

"A rock," I confirm and he just looks at me like I have two heads.

"I'm serious!" I say, "It came flying at my window and knocked me in my face."

He looks at me debating whether or not to believe my lie, but I couldn't really tell him my crazy ass story.

"I don't believe you in the slightest," he concludes and I smile sweetly.

"I don't need you too and if you're being this up to the school you risk them digging deeper and getting in trouble about withholding information," I point out.

"You're like a lawyer," he says annoyed.

I shrug, "Maybe one day."

Sighing Patrick runs a hand down his tiers face before opening the classroom door, "Get to work Blaze," he instructs and walks back to his desk.


Fun fact about yours truly!!!!

My first tattoo is a Shakespeare quote :)

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