Ways To Annoy People

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New chapter!

Well, this chapter won’t really be about pranking, but about something of the sort: how to annoy people. Well, to some extent.

Best to have fun AND not get in trouble, yeah?

So, let’s move it, people! Yeeeee-haaa!

I went on this website called www.fuzzydog.com (<- handy site ;) ), which I claim no rights to, and I found some awesome ideas I would like to share with you guys:

-Speak in a robotic voice.

-Go up to someone or walk with someone and constantly sniff until they scream in annoyance.

-Make beeping noises when a large person ‘reverses’.

-Mimic the expressions and actions of people around you.

-This is an oldie: copy what they say. Always works. I do it, and it’s fun, but it ends in disaster… Sorry, mummy.

-When at a mall or shopping centre, ask the shop assistant where something is. Make sure you know where they show the product to be. But pretend you don’t know, and look around the place where they point to, that is above, below, to the left or right, anywhere EXCEPT at the product. They’ll get extremely annoyed!

-Read the dictionary upside down and look for secret messages.

-Staple papers in the middle of the page.

-Ask people what gender they are.

-Walk into a library and pick a random book open and close it quickly. Then say that was a good book.

-Hide the remote control in the freezer saying you wanted to save it for later.

-When someone is talking to you, smile and nod repetitively throughout the conversation.

-Scribble your name over every piece of paper you can find and insist you are "practicing writing my signature for when I become famous".

-Laugh out loud every time someone finishes a sentence.

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Here are some of my ideas:

-Smell everything you come across. Just remember to be appropriate!

-At the shops, read the Nutritional Information of EVERYTHING you go past. Make sure you read the Fat Content bit out loud; inform all the customers about how much fat there is in the food product.

-When walking with your friends stop and pretend to tie your shoe lace. If it is done, then untie and retie it. They’ll have to stop every 2 minutes or so to wait for you to tie your already-tied shoe lace.

-Keep telling someone how cute they are. I do this frequently to Bex_the_box and I get a slap, dirty look or punch each and every time.

-Tell someone that there is something on their face. When they start wiping their face, say, “no no, there!” or “go a little bit up” or “a little left” and just give them directions. When they start getting annoyed and ask if the ‘something’ is finally gone, just say, “I was only kidding, there was nothing in the first place”. Then smile innocently.

-Keep posting random stuff on their Wattpad message board.

-Complain about how hungry you are, even if you aren’t.

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I asked a few people on Wattpad about what they would do to annoy someone. Here’s what people replied with:

-ChocolateCupcake12 suggested that you poke your victim, or say their name over and over again until they scream “WHAT?!” and then just innocently say “Hi”.

-Alabamarules said to go to someone and just talk and talk and talk and talk, until they get annoyed.

-JustLikeJAKE contributed with “talk, poke them, and slap their arm constantly”.

-Ae3qe27u also told me a good idea, and that was to walk up to your sister or brother and act like a cat. Lick the back of your hand, make purring noises, crawl on the floor, snuggle up to her leg, and stuff like that. When she or he gets concerned and goes to call a parent, sit down on a chair or go to your room and sit on your bed and act all innocent, listen to music on your iPod, go onto your Wattpad app, etc.

-ShhhImaSapling mentioned “poke”. Third person! Seems like this poking thing is famous! Everyday I’m po-oking…

-Bex_the_box does this to me a lot of the time: when someone calls you an idiot, douchebag, dumb-head, stupid person, etc., say to them “I know you are, but what am I?” each time they call you names.

-My little brother (he’s not on Wattpad, but anyway) also suggested that when someone is sleeping, make noise such as stomping your feet, clapping your hands, singing badly, etc.

-soso2468 mentioned a couple of ideas; repeat someone's name until they ask you, "what?" and then say, "I'm just trying your name"; tug someone's sleeve and say "I'm just making sure it stitched well."

-ruby_lovz_u said: if you are sitting next to someone who is trying to read or something, sing loudly and badly. If they ask you to stop, say "okay" and hold up a book in between you and the person and continue that singing style. It will drive them bonkers!

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Anyways, folks, I’ve ran out. What should the next chapter be about? Anyone have any ideas or requests cuz I have nil.

See you all soon ;)



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