I proceed in walking in the corridor. While I was walking I felt a hand stopped me by grabbing my wrist firmly. I thought it was Mr Hulk but when I turned I was met with a stranger. He was taller and by the looks of him I could say that he was a bit older than me. He had a terrifying facial expression.

"Yes?" I asked trying to free my hand in the process.

"Who are you? I have not seen you here before." He was getting too close for my liking to be honest I was feeling disgusted. I was stepping back till my back hit the wall. Again wall? Great! Just great! Why do walls have to be there whenever I am in this freaking postion?!

I opened my mouth to reply him and quickly closed it as I heard Mr Hulk's voice booming in the corridor. I adverted my eyes to see a very furious Mr Hulk. His veins were popping on his head,clenched jaws and fists. He stormed towards us and in one swift movement he detached Mr Stranger from me.

Mr Hulk'eyes were different. It held a strange emotion. He really looked like a real Hulk except for the skin colour.

"She is my mate. Now back off Nate!" Mr Hulk said gritting his teeth. I've never seen him that angry before. Now that I've realised it...his name is Nate.

"Ethan! Nice to see you again." Nate greeted Mr Hulk with a not so greeting tone. Seems like these two are not that friendly...

"What the hell are you doing here?! I remember telling my parents not to invite you!" Mr Hulk grabbed Nate's collar and pushed him against a wall.

"Hahaha...always the furious one huh? You haven't changed one bit." Nate smirked looking in Mr Hulk's dark eyes.

Just as Mr Hulk's punch was about to kiss Nate's cheeks, we heard someone shouting our names.

"Lena! Ethan!"

"Guys! Where were you? I've been searching for you!" I exclaimed seeing my friends.

Mr Hulk's grip on Nate loosen and he took this as an opportunity to leave but not before talking to me.
"Hope we meet again." He winked at me and left. Urgh why I have a bad feeling about this!

"We've been in a garden and it was so beautiful! I wish I could stay there my whole life. The colourful flowers were fresh and they smelled wonderful!" Grace jumped in excitement. Guess she adores nature.

"Then I really should go to the garden before leaving." I said smiling turning to Mr Hulk only go be met by a very annoyed frown.

"Hey by the way guys, where are Noah and Ella?" I asked cause I did not see them since we arrived at the castle.

"Ella is with Noah. But we don't know where though." Grace said smirking at me and I smirked back knowing that something was up with them.

"Sorry to interrupt..but my mother in calling for Jelly Bunny." He said furrowing his eyebrows. God! He looks even more handsome with his eyebrows furrowed! How?!

"No its okay Ethan. We will be here." Sam replied.

Mr Hulk took my hand tightly and we made our way to meet his mother aka Jenny.

We did not took long to arrive at another door similiar to Mr Hulk's bedroom door. But this one was even more larger.

Mr Hulk pushed the knob and we entered.

"Elena! I've been waiting for you. Take a seat dear." She smiled warmly.

"Elena I called you here cause David and I need to talk to you two." Jenny told me with a serious face.

I just nodded at her words.

"Dear after so long of waiting fortunately our son has found his mate. And I am very happy for him. Since we are becoming old,we want Ethan to take the throne of his father for the future of this Vampire Clan. But for that my dear you two need to be mated first then the throne will be able to pass to Ethan and you should do it as fast as possible cause your father's health is not too well..." To mate? And what does that mean?  I'll ask Mr Hulk later.

"Yes my son. When I was young I was able to hold the power of the throne but now that I am becoming old, I cannot. You are the only one who can take my position on the throne and I know that both of you will do good." David said smiling sightly.

"But Dad what about you?" Mr Hulk asked looking concerned.

"Oh Ethan don't worry about us! We will go to our private Island cause it's been awhile since the last time we met. And of course we need some private time alone that's why." David said the last part winking making Jenny blush. They were really the perfect couple. Love was reflecting in both David and Jenny's eyes.

Soon a maid came and announced that all the guest had already arrived.

"I am glad you all came today. The real reason behind holding this party is to present to you my son's girlfriend Elena Matthews."
David said making me stare in shock! I did not expect this to happen.

To hide my weird shocking face I just sent the guests small smiles.

"Now you can enjoy yourselves." Jenny added.
Mr Hulk did not leave my side the whole party. He kept on being on my side.

"Why?" I asked him out of the blue.

"Huh? What why?" He replied dumb founded.

"Why you stick with me?" I raised one eyebrow.

"So that bloody Nate doesn't come near you. Listen my Jelly Bunny you do not go near or even talk to Nate. I am telling you to be cautious cause he is a very dangerous guy and I don't trust him." Mr Hulk turned me and rested his hands on my shoulders while talking. He was damn serious!

"Yes I understand Mr Hulk." I looked into his eyes. Who the hell is Nate? And why dangerous? How?

Hello my Boos😚
I know,I know it's been awhile since I updated Mr Hulk's Jelly Bunny. But what I can do? I've been busy cause I am working on Rihanna's portrait this time. I want to make it perfect so it takes a lot of time. That's why. Btw did you check out my art page on Instagram? No? Then what are you waiting for?
Link: https://www.instagram.com/_shee_arts_/

If you enjoy my art feel free to comment your thoughts and leave some hearts and yes don't forget to follow me for me artworks!😄

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