A/N and Final Ending

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Hey guys! So, I decided not to continue the sequel. Sorry, but I lost interest in the sequel, and I don't know where to go with it, so I am ending it with this little finale from the sequel! Enjoy! (Also, it's 1 in the morning, so forgive me for any mistakes)

Travis' P.O.V

Today was the day; the day I finally get to be with my little emo till death do we part. Today was the day we'll finally seal our relationship; the day I, Travis Valcrum, get married to the most amazing emo boyfriend ever; Zane Ro'Meave. I stood there at the door; fidgeting in my spot as sweat trickled down my face. I felt so scared, hoping this will go right.

My father looked at me with a reassuring smile; his green eyes filled with compassion. I smiled back up at my father. He was always there for me, and he always found a way to make me feel better. Ever since my mother died...

I remember the day I had told him...

3rd Person P.O.V

"Hey! It's my boy, Travis!" Travis' dad said with a huge smile on his face.

Travis smiled and chuckled nervously in return while scratching the back of his head, letting his father in to his and Zane's house.

Ever since Travis proposed, they had both been preparing for the big day. Especially Aphmau, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan. Travis had finally decided it was time to reveal to his father he was gay, with the help of convincing from Zane.

Zane had already told his mother and father. Garte wasn't too happy, but he supported Zane's decision. After all, Garroth was with Laurance now, and Vylad was with Dante. And of course, Zianna was more than proud of her three sons.

Travis sighed heavily. It was now or never.

"Dad...I'm...gay...this is my fiancé; Zane...you've met him before,"Travis confessed nervously. He closed his eyes, waiting for yelling from a disappointed father, but no yelling came.

Travis opened his eyes to see his father hugging him tightly; tears of happiness on his face.

"I'm not disappointed or angry in you, Travis. I'm so proud of you, son. I'm sure your mother would have been, too...I'm so happy you found someone to love."

Travis had his own tears in his eyes; all of the fear washed away from his body. Travis hugged his father back.

"Aw..." Zane whispered. He smiled. Travis opened his eyes to look at him, and Zane smiled sheepishly, a blush on his face. Travis smiled back.

"Thank you dad...we get married in another week. Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan had planned out every little detail, and my friends have been spectacular at helping this wedding go as planned, too," Travis said happily and excitingly.

"Perfect! I love you, son!"

After a little bit more talking, Travis' father had left.

"Well! That suit of mine won't iron itself!" he had said, walking out of the door.

Travis went back to the present, looking at the doors as they were opened by the wedding owners (I actually don't know XD), to reveal his friends and their families standing whilst staring at him; mostly with proud, happy faces.

Aphmau and Lillith Garnet (whom Aphmau and Aaron had already and were already married) was walking down the aisle as flower girls. Aphmau threw the flowers since Lillith was only one and didn't know what to do.

Travis took a deep breath and sighed, and then found himself walking down the aisle with his dad as the wedding march began playing on the piano.

Travis finally reached the podium; his father having already unlinked his arm from his son to sit in the front with Zianna and Garte.

Travis looked at his best woman Katelyn, whom smiled back. Then, Travis looked at the man whom he loved dearly, who was wearing a black dress with a white bow in the middle and in his hair, holding a bouquet of black roses. On his face was an irritable look. Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan had made him wear the dress for the lols, but Travis was happy because Zane looked so adorable to him in that dress.

Zane noticed Travis staring and blushed, his angry face disappearing. Zane was now smiling and blushing at Travis, whom blushed and stared back.

(yeah. I know. They're getting married and their still blushing. What, Author~Chan? 😮 Lol. You gotta admit. It's cute X3)

"Are you ready?"Author~Chan asked, holding out a book. (Yes I made myself the preist. Deal with it OR GET DUNKED ON. XD Edit: Haha. Yolo)

Zane and Travis nodded. Author~Chan-I mean the priest fangirled slighlty, then cleared her throat and begans.

"Travis and Zane will now say their speeches!"

Back to Travis' P.O.V

"You go first," I tell Zane.

"O-okay..." he said, trailing off.

Zane looks up into my eyes. His blue orbs were sparkling with tears and happiness.

"Travis...ever since I found you that night you went out into the woods...in the rain...in the cold...when Katelyn had turned you down..." Zane said, trailing off.

"I'm still sorry for that..." Katelyn whispered. I smile at Katelyn, telling her it was okay.

"That was when I truly felt like I had met you...ever since that night, you changed me, and I am glad. That same day when I treated you, brought you into my home. The time we went to the arcade as friends and played games together...the time we argued who was best pony...especially those times when you made me laugh...oh, and don't get me started on the sleep over night...when I kissed you...I felt a spark...a feeling of true happiness and love...I knew you were the one...and I am glad to be standing here...even if it was in a dress...in front of the only true man I love...to be getting married to that man I love...I couldn't be more happier..." Zane said.

I couldn't help it but cry a little in happiness. Zane's speech was so touching to me and the audience. Especially Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan. Aaron and Garroth had to cover their mouths so they wouldn't fangirl.

I smiled down at Zane and held his hands tighter.


"Zane...ever since the day you helped me...I knew you weren't just Aphmau's best friend who was grumpy most of the time, and who loved to play with horses...I saw another side of you...a caring, selfless side of you that you took on...you changed not only yourself, but me. You showed me I belonged and was cared. You were someone who cared about me, no matter how you saw me as a Casanova pervert who loves cherry products (oof)....I became a different man too...I'm glad I have met you...I'm glad you kissed me...it was a roller coaster of emotions, but now, all that can end here when we seal our relationship to last forever..." Travis said. It was Zane's turn to cry now.

Author~Chan-I mean the priest smiled and awed. (Edit: I was younger and a little more immature when writing this XD))

"Alright. Time for the vows...Travis Valcrum...do you take Zane Ro'Meave to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sick and health until death do you part?" she asked Travis.

"I do."

And do you, Zane Ro'Meave, take Travis Valcrum to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sick and health until death do you part?"

"I do," Zane said.

"Then, I now pronounce you husband and husband! You may kiss the groom!" Author~Chan said.

Travis and Zane kissed, and the whole room cheered.

Travis grabbed Zane's hand, and they both ran down the aisle. Zane threw back the roses, and Garroth had caught them. Laurance gave Garroth ' the syebrow wiggle', and Garroth blushed. (Hehe)

"AAAA. MYYYYY SHIIIIIIIPPP!" Kawaii~Chan squealed.

Travis and Zane got into a limmo with 'Just Hitched' written on the back window in washable marker. Travis and Zane looked at each other and smiled. There lives have officially changed. They went off on their honeymoon.

Thanks for reading my book. ^-^

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