~Broken tea cups~

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"Oh sorry..."He stops and I stand beginning to walk slowly. Him supporting me. I notice how his short but not horribly short...for a man maybe, but he can still kill titans as well as others. Better for that matter.
"Oi! Jaeger, stop staring we are here"
He stayed looking up at me

'"Fuck, I was staring '
"Oh, okay thanks "
He nods and starts to walk away, I quickly grab his wrist before he can completely
" what brat?"
He said his eyes shining.
'Yeah why Did I stop him? Shit!'
"O-oh I was wondering if you want to come in for tea? Or something "
I said nodding to the dark oak door on left of me
"Uh,sure as long as you don't fucking stutter.. I will" I nod rapidly

"Okay fine."
He said walking back. I smiled brightly at my success. I unlock the door slowly. Hoping my room wasn't a mess. Looking from side to side I sigh in relief and walk in. Levi following slowly after.

I walk into the kitchen and grab two tea cups. Watching as he is inspecting my room
"You can sit if you'd like.." I smile nervously as the water beings to boil
He nods and takes a seat on the closest love seat crossing his legs. But only after patting it down.

I giggle quietly to myself of how he is such a clean freak. It's cute.
After pouring black tea leaves in a cup along with water. Doing the same with earl grey tea I walk over to him giving him the cup and sitting on the other chair in front of him.

He nods a thanks and sips at his tea.
"Um... corporal?"
I ask hesitantly

"What jaeger.." levi replied looking into my eyes

"I was wondering.. Um... how do you think of me? "
He raised an eyebrow at the question
"Well Eren.. " he sets down his tea down I smile to myself at how he said my name in his French accent...
"Before you joined the survey corps, I thought of you as a damn brat who is a foe to humanity, until Erwin said to trust you..at first I didn't believe him, until I heard about your plan to save the wall. I along with my squad watched as you repaired the wall and were about to get eaten. I immediately came to get you, now knowing that you were in fact a ally. Not a foe. When We put you in the dungeon of the court, I still had my suspicions. I mean how is this kid going to save humanity. Dose he have the guts?. Is he doing it for a pure reason? Dose he care about the lives of humanity? This is what was going through my mind the entire time. Erwin was talking to you. Every question answered along the way"

"I saw the determination in your eyes and thought, we might actually benefit from this brat. So to be sure that I er, we could trust you, and not have to worry about you killing anyone. I made sure you were under my care.
Over time I saw you weren't even close to a threat, you had your moments where you fucked up, like everyone. But for the most part you were a trust worthy comrade." I smiled hearing these words but at the same time. I was craving more
" I can definitely trust you as a cadet... just as Erwin had said, I might not listen to him at times. But he was right about you Eren"
I smiled brightly biting my lip at the way the r rolled off his tongue

"Thank you sir"
He rolled his eyes playfully
" you asked me a question, I answered it truthfully"

He picked up his drink and sipped at it running a hand through his hair.
" so... jaeger, curiosity gets the best of me at this moment "
I tense up and nod for him to continue.
" how do you think of me?"
His expression seemed bored, but his voice held curiosity.


"Without the damn stuttering cadet"

"Sorry sir... well, when I was smaller I always looked up to The was you did things... everything you did made me smile, the thought of someone being strong enough , that they are called humanity's strangest. And they were almost a mystery to everyone but the survey corps. It interested me. So when 5 years came by and I heard I would be able to work side by side with my.... what? hero? No technically your Everones hero. I wanted to be you... I wanted to watch what you did and try my best to do it so you would be proud"
I blush and look down

"So when I heard that I got to work with you, I was thrilled... I wanted to help you kill all the titans... along with the rest of the survey corps. I wanted to..."
He raised and eyebrow
" I still want to.. how do I put this?"

"...corporal ... like I said before.. I've looked up to to for years... and that turned into something else.... I fell something from you that I hadn't before. And it's hard to not show it"
I looked up at him still blushing, and seeing his confused face made me nervous

"It's harder to even say it.... but... captain... I, love you.."


That awful silence that made my heart break every moment I didn't hear anything

Then he finally did something,
He laughed....

"Dammit brat don't joke about Shit like that." He laughed without a smile to us face...
It hurt more for him to laugh than the silence.

"Captain! I'm not joking! I love you!"
We both stood up

"God dammit stop playing jaeger that's enough."
I had enough and I pushed him against a wall and smashed my lips against his showing that I was speaking the truth.
His lips felt like heaven... better than I imagined. But what hurt is that he hadn't kissed back.. his eyes were wide open.

I assumed he was just shocked, until he kicked me away and down to the ground. Wiping his lips.

I felt like I was going to cry.. my eyes stung with tears.


He yelled the loudest he had ever yelled making me flinch..


"Fucking brat! Don't put your filthy damn hands on me... and don't tell me lies like that! I'm your captain! not your bitch!"

He opened the door and stomped out slamming it behind him.

Making the tea cups fall to the ground and break along with me who was on the ground crying...

"He h-hates m-me.. h-he.. called me f-filthy..."
I sobbed on the ground until falling asleep thinking about the events of the evening.


Fucking levi...🤦🏾‍♀️😤😑😖

(Still love him though)

Orders given, orders ignored (Ereri/riren story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat