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I think true love is hard to find because we don't fall in love with souls.

Instead we fall in love with faces, one's portrayal and potential.

Most times we miss the depths of a person, those that makes them, them.

Those they may have hidden willingly or those we caused them to bury.

Lack of openness blooms adversity and prevents connection.

Fake love

We mistake infatuation for love and invest all our time into that which proves bitter to us, fighting for disingenuous love.

Or maybe we fall in love because that person filled a void within us which led to complete reliance and self-destruction.

Lack of self resulted in the destruction of me and you. 

True love ceased to exist, our experience had been a touch and taste of half love,
and a lie to you and me. 


I want the love where I'm one with myself, confident and secure.

To my last, 

I want a love that's effortless, unconditional, and naturally occurring. 

I yearn for: the great times with your beautiful soul,

                       the fun,

                       the laughter,

                       the adventures

         Lastly, a connection that allows smooth sailing. One that assists us in letting go of petty arguments and provides the maturity to overcome turmoil and compromise amidst our differences. 

I don't wish for a perfect love, 

I wish for a love that's true and constantly growing. 

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