The Parking Space: 1

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The boy looked at him with curiosity, his eyes even more intense close-up, "Hello."

"Name's Dean," he smirked, turning in his seat more.

"I'm Castiel,"

"Awesome name," Dean smiled, the boy looking down in shyness. "I'm guessing you're not as out-going as your brother then,"

"Which one?" He asked, tilting his head and squinting his eyes.

"Oh, you have two," Dean remembered popcorn-guy.

"I have six."

Dean raised his eyebrows, "Six?"


"Wow. I mean the one called Lucifer. Well, he says that's his name."

Castiel let out a short, light chuckle, but kinda deep non-the-less, "It is,"

The bell rang and they both stood up.

"Are you in you're junior year?" Dean asked hopefully.

"Sophomore," He replied.

Dean tried to hide his disappointment, "Guess we probably don't have the same classes then. Are you perhaps freakishly smart at any subjects?"

"I may have a strong escalation in history,"

"Well, we can dream,"

"Some people are incapable,"

"I can still you show you to class; If you'd like?" Dean offered.

"Were you not the one arguing with Lucifer this morning? Something about a parking space?"

"Yep." Dean replied, popping the p.

"So why do you want to help me? You're not gonna trick me or something to get back at my brother, are you?"

"No," Dean chuckled.

"Then why do you want to help me?"

"Just because I don't like your brother doesn't mean I don't like you. Plus, I find you intriguing."

Castiel nodded, "Okay then, I guess I could use the help,"


Michael casually entered first period and sat in his usual seat beside Meg.

"Hey Michael, how's life treatin' ya?" She asked as she messed with her half empty gum packet with bitten, purple nails.

"It's okay," He replied, "How was your weekend?"

"Same old."

As usual, their conversation stopped here and the teacher began roll call.

Halfway through, a guy Michael had never seen before entered, looking around the classroom at the all the staring faces.

His eyes paused on Michael, a frown defining his expression for a couple of seconds before his staring was interrupted.

"You must be the new student," Mr Watson said, "Would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Not particulary," The boy replied with a 'couldn't care less' attitude, his eyes moving to Mr Watson.

"Fair enough," Watson shrugged, continuing to mark everyone in as Lucifer took a seat two desks down to the right of Michael, who couldn't help but snatch glances at the boy all lesson, not sure what it was that made him different, but still not being able to stop.


Sitting in his first class period, Sam got out his book as everyone else spoke amongst themselves. None of Sam's friends shared this class with him, not that he particulary minded.

The Parking Space (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat