It's My Fault Pt. 4

Start from the beginning

Scorpius chuckles at this. Draco smiles in return, happy his son is enjoying the story.

"When did you two really get together?" Scorpius asks curiously.

"Ummm... In about fifth year. It was the time when Professor Dolores Umbridge was headmistress. She had an organization called the Inquisitorial Squad. It was a group of all Slytherins who would go around on patrols and catch any rule breakers. Like prefects, but meaner. During that year, I taunted a group of people in my year so much that y/n couldn't take it anymore..."


"What is your problem Malfoy?" y/n shouts, pushing him up against the wall by his chest. "Why do you have to torment them so much? What motives to do have to make others miserable, huh?"

"Come on, y/l/n. I'm only having some fun! You want to deprive me of joy, but wouldn't that be unethical?" Draco laughs, tauntingly, earning a large eye roll form y/n.

"Joy at the expense of others is no laughing matter. It's cruel and inhumane!" she spits, glaring at Draco. "What will make you stop?"

"Nothing, y/l/n. I'm perfectly happy as it is. Potty, Weaslebee, and Mudblood deserved what they got," he smirks in satisfaction.

"Huh. You docked Harry points becasue you didn't like him. That hardly sounds like he deserved it!" she gasps.

"I don't like him, he deserves to be punished," Draco explains.

"Then why haven't you punished me then, hmm?" she asks. "Go on, take points from my house!"


"I had always really admired y/n from afar. She was beautiful even when she was younger. I guess I was trying to show off for her when I bullied others. I wanted to show her how important and strong I was. Obviously, it was the wrong way to go about it, Scorp, let me tell you. She really did hate me."

"You sounded like you were an awful schoolboy, Father," Scorpius laughs. "I'm being honest here."

"Oh, I really, was, absoluely a slimy wretched boy. The day we got together was a marvellous one in my book. I had just realised I was falling for your mother."


"Malfoy!" Theodore Nott shouts. "Hey, Malfoy! Watcha starin' at?"

"Huh?" Draco gasps, breaking his gaze away from y/n sitting across the Great Hall.

"Malfoy! Were you staring at y/l/n?" Blaise Zabini asks.

"N-no...," Draco stutters. "I was spacing at. Why would I be staring at her? She's ugly as fuck. Oh. Come on, we gotta go to classes."

The Slytherins all get up and file out of the Great Hall to Care of Magical Creatures, their classmates trailing behind them. Once there, y/n sits on a rock ledge to wait for Hagrid to come out.

"He's gonna get sacked any day now!" Draco laughs. "What a day that'll be! I'll be sure to brin popcorn!"

"Shut up, Malfoy!" y/n groans from her seat. "I'm tired of your rude, vile comments. Would you just be quiet for a day and let the rest of us have some peace and quiet? What'll get you to shut your trap?"

"I don't know y/l/n," he laughs. "I quite like talking."

"You're infuriating, Malfoy," she sighs. "Is there nothing that will get you to leave our underclassmen alone?"

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