Another arm, the human one, tried to grip Keith but he was a split second faster and jumped out of Shiro's reach before turning towards him again.

What was wrong with Shiro? Was this some kind of PTSD flashback? Shiro had never attacked them before, only stared at the air in horror and been paralyzed in fear.

Something was seriously wrong.

Shiro threw himself at Keith and it was only because of dumb luck that Keith could avoid Shiro once more.

"Shiro, look at me! It's Keith."

"Keith?" Shiro looked at him. He looked almost like himself again and Keith's shoulders sagged a bit before Shiro's eyes hardened at the sight of Keith's helmet on the ground. "Keith," He repeated under his breath.

Shiro lifted his eyes to Keith's. "Where is he!?"

Keith had never been afraid of Shiro. He had been afraid for him many times but never of him. However, he was not ashamed to say that the look and voice was enough to make Keith feel like his heart had just stopped and his lungs refused to breath properly.

Keith took a step back as Shiro took one forward. Keith lifted his hands to stop Shiro? Show he was unarmed? Keith didn't even know but it only enraged Shiro and Keith was about to bolt as fast as he could when his eyes landed on his hands. His hands that had broken the gloves of his paladin suit and showed claws and the tip of purple fingers.

What the-

And then Shiro succeeded in hitting Keith. It was the human arm. Thank god. Not only was the Galra arm turned on and would burn Keith's face off, the weight behind the hit alone would probably be enough to kill Keith.

Keith landed inelegantly on the floor. His concussed mind was making the space ship seem like it was a rowboat in the middle of the sea, the lights were a little too bright and he felt nauseous.

Shiro walked towards him with heavy steps and Keith crawled away as well as he could with his back facing the floor.

"Where is he?" Shiro repeated.

"Who?" Keith asked. He told himself the tears in his eyes was because of the blow. It was partly true.

"You're wearing his armor..." Shiro realized. Keith could almost sigh in relief but Shiro was only getting tenser. Keith had his bayard on him. He could fight. He should be able to fight, but he couldn't. Not against Shiro and especially not when he could see blood flowing from the cut on Shiro's side.

"Shiro, please." Keith never begged. He couldn't remember a single time he had been even close to begging but he was doing it shamelessly at that moment.

"Is he in the lion?"

Keith didn't know how to explain himself. He was confused and scared and blood was running so loudly in his ears that he couldn't hear his own thoughts so he simply shook his head.

Shiro's eyes widened and he took one long step towards Keith and fell to his knees.

Yes, this was good. Shiro was recognizing him. Shiro was-

Shiro was placing his unlit but very strong and very capable of lighting up and burning anyone hand on Keith's throat. Not enough to choke him to death. Just enough to give discomfort and take away Keith's chance of escaping.

"He's dead, isn't he?"

Keith shook his head as well as he could but Shiro wasn't listening.

His heart tried to escape through his chest and he was sure Shiro could feel it even if there was no nerves in the metal arm.

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