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Someone who I've private messaged (I'll keep their name secret) has been bragging that they're friends with me to other people... Thank you for thinking highly of me but that's not ok... I told them off and now they're mad at me... Please, if I message you, it doesn't mean we're friends... It might mean I just need advice or something... Yes, I do have some friends, but please, whether you're one of them or not, PLEASE don't tell other people that we're friends just to say it... I love you guys, I really do, but it's kinda stressful knowing what other people do...

Please, I don't want to become a ball of stress, anxiety, and pressure like Tweek ;-;

Smile (New Kid!Dib x Bully!Zim) (ZaDr Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now