The New Kid

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~Dib's POV~

New. That's how you could describe me. I just moved into this town a few hours ago, which is going to be a nightmare for me. Why? Simply because I don't like talking to people, especially new people. I was badly bullied in my last skool, causing me to have serious trust issues, though I've always been really shy.
"Dib, go to bed! We have skool tomorrow!"
That's my sister, she doesn't like me very much, which is fine since I don't like talking.
I sigh and climb into bed.
"Welcome to hell" I murmured. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

~Zim's POV~

I switched through the TV channels with a sigh, there was nothing interesting to watch.
"Master, can we-?"
"No" I responded quickly to my robot assistant. He doesn't "assist" much, I don't know why I keep him around, he's just a pain in the ass.
"Aw.... ok..." he walked away, probably to go screw something up again.
I glanced over at the clock, it was pretty late.
"Meh, who cares about skool?" I rolled my eyes and stood up. I walled to my room and looked out the window, I saw lights on in a house across the street that used to be for sale.
"Interesting..." I muttered quietly. "GIR!" I yelled to the small robot who ran in right away.
"Yes master?" He asked, looking hopeful.
"Gir, go investigate that house!" I commanded. I pointed to the house I was just looking at.
"Yes master..." he said, looking oddly dissapointed. He quickly flew out the window and towards the house.
"Hm... he's actually doing ok..."
Right as I said that, he crashed into the window, causing I loud noise.
"Nevermind..." I sighed. I mentally facepalmed myself but kept watching.

~Dib's POV~

CRASH! A loud noise sounded outside my window. I jumped out of the bed quickly, I opened my window and looked around to see... nothing.
"Huh... I guess I'm just being paranoid..." I said quietly while looking down.
"HI THERE!" I heard a loud, high pitched voice.
"AHH!" I screamed, I looked up, I was now face to face with a small, silver robot.
"AHH!" I screamed again, falling backwards.
"Sowwy..." the robot said, it flew into my room but didn't land.
"It's... ok... you just startled me..." I said. I stood up and brushed myself off. I looked around to see where the robot had come from.
"Whatcha doin?" The robot asked but I ignored him. I looked across the street to see someone looking right back at me.
"Huh...?" I leaned forward a bit to get a better view. The kid looked to be around my age. He had slicked back hair and oddly large purple eyes. His skin almost seemed to be green, though it was probably just my eyes screwing with me, since I had taken off my glasses.
"Woohoo!" The robot screamed randomly before landing on my head. I jumped backwards in surprise, I had almost forgotten he was here.
I looked back at the kid, who hasn't moved an inch. I waved at him cautiously. He tilted his head, as if he didn't understand the gesture.
"Maaaaaster!!!" The robot yelled, he jumped off my head and flew to the kid.
I couldn't help but smile at that, it was cute. Though, the kid just looked annoyed.
He said something to the robot that I couldn't hear before he slipped back into the room with the robot and closed the window.
"Weird..." I muttered before closing my window and heading back to bed.

~Zim's POV~

I waited until the human boy went back inside before glaring at Gir.
"That wasn't investigating! All you did was annoy him and probably blow our cover!" I yelled.
"I sowwy master..." Gir said, he looked like he was about to cry.
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, just don't do it again" I growled before walking away.
I took off my black trench coat and tossed it aside.
"Gir, out!" I commanded without looking at him. I waited until I heard the door open and then shut before I closed my curtains and climbed into bed.
I glanced out my window at the house across the street. All the lights were off now.
"What the hell, why do I even care!?" I yelled to myself, but not loud enough for any one to hear but me.
"Whatever..." I muttered. I slipped off my wig and contacts and put them on the table beside my bed before falling asleep.

Smile (New Kid!Dib x Bully!Zim) (ZaDr Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now