
448 18 3

(This is mostly a filler chapter, sorry! Mostly...)

~Dib's POV~

     I woke up early for skool. I got dressed in my usual outfit. I paused before grabbing the trench coat and slipping it on.
     I didn't bother eating breakfast even, I just grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I ran to skool quickly.
     I was extremly early so I set my stuff down and got on the swings.
     "Aren't you childish" an amused voice said. I looked to see Zim smiling at me.
     "Heya Zimmy!" I said cheerfully.
     "It's cute!"
     Zim just looked plain confused. He then burst out laughing.
     "I'm pretty sure you're mentally 7 years old!" He joked.
     I jumped off the swing, I landed on my feet in front of him but stumbled and fell on top of him, knocking us both over.
     I jumped up quickly, scared he'd hurt me.
     "Sorrysorrysorrysorrysor-" I was cut off my him laughing.
     "It's ok human!" He stood up and smiled.
     I let out a sigh of relief.
     "So... we're cool now?" I asked cautiously.
     "Sure human" he said. He ruffled my hair playfully. I pulled part of it back over my eye since that's what I was used to.
     Zim laughed. "You're so innocent! Like a puppy!"
     "A puppy? No way, I'm a vicious guard dog! Grrr!" I bared my teeth while poorly imitating a dog growling.
     "Nah, you're a puppy"
     "Am not!"
     "Are too!"
     "Prove it!"
     "With pleasure"
      Zim walked off skool property for a few minutes, he returned with his hands behind his back.
     "Close your eyes" he stated simply.
     "Mkay Zimmy!" I said. I closed my eyes and waited. I felt him place something on my head, neck, and waist.
     "Open" he commanded.
     I opened my eyes. He handed me a small mirror. I looked at my reflection to see he put a fake dog ears and a red dig collar on me. I looked behind me to see a matching dog tail.
     "See? You're a puppy!" He cheered. "Oh, one last thing!"
     Before I could react he clipped a leash onto the collar.
     "No! Why?" A whined.
     "You're my puppy" he answered simply.
     I sighed in defeat.
     He laughed and took the costume off.
     "I had to prove that point, sorry!" He laughed.
     "Hahaha" I laughed sarcastically with a smirk on my face.
     "We should get to class" he said nonchalantly.
     "Yeah..." I murmured.
     "You go human, I'll meet ya there!" He said with a smile.
     "Ok Zimmy!" I cheered before running to class.

                     ~Zim's POV~

     I waited until he was out of sight before grabbing my phone. I called a number, they picked up immediately.
     "Hello, is the plan going well?"
     "Yes... though... I feel bad him..."
     "Don't feel bad, remember the reward you'll get!"
     "I suppose so...."
     "I know so, now finish up"
     "Ok..." I hung up, not waiting for a response.
     "Here we go..." I muttered regretfully. I walked towards the classroom. My hand stayed on the doorknob without opening the door.
     "I can do this!" I reassured myself before walking inside.

     I can do this.... right...?

Smile (New Kid!Dib x Bully!Zim) (ZaDr Highschool AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat