When everyone was back in the car, Sam took the driver's seat.

Dean was about to get in the passenger seat. "Screw it." He muttered, slamming the passenger side door and sitting in back with Castiel.

Castiel gave him a tiny smile in gratitude. He missed Dean. Silently, he crawled over and laid his head in Dean's lap. Dean allowed him to do so, petting his hair until he fell asleep. Dean was quiet when he gave Sam directions.

Six states, too many hours, and several gas stations later, the bunker was in sight. Dean woke Castiel up.

"We're here, honeybee." He said softly, stoking his cheek.

Castiel awoke and looked around disorientedly. "Where?"

Dean chuckled quietly. He guided Castiel's gaze to a door. "It's bigger on the inside." He told him. "Come on, I'm sure you're more than ready to stretch your legs." He slid away from Castiel and got out of the car, walking around back for their bags. Castiel stood up out of the Impala. He waited patiently for Dean, leaning half on the roof of the car for support as his body woke up. Dean led him to the door by the hand.

Castiel inhaled sharply. Dean hadn't lied. The bunker looked like some sort of hobbit home from the outside, but the inside resembled a government facility. He followed Dean down the iron stairs with his go bag in tow. Castiel looked around at the place, taking note of the bookshelves lining the area in front of the long, dark wood table, where he assumed the boys ate their meals. Dean glanced over his shoulder to make sure he hadn't lost Castiel, then walked further into the bunker, flipping on light switches.

"I'm glad this place is still running smoothly, we're overdue for a win." Dean smiled a bit. "How far did you get in Dad's journal?" He asked.

"I nearly finished it. I've just got a few more pages to read before bed." Castiel replied, walking with Dean through various hallways.

Dean nodded. "Good." He said. "Now, it can be easy to get lost in here. There's passageways even Sam and I don't know about. Just call if you need anything, alright?" He stopped outside a closed door and turned to his boyfriend.

Castiel held his tongue. He wanted to ask if him and Dean were sharing a room, but this obviously meant the opposite. "Sure, Dean. Goodnight." He moved past Dean and opened his new bedroom, closing the door without giving Dean a chance to respond. After a moment, he took a little time to familiarize himself with the room.

It wasn't terribly big, nor terribly claustrophobic. There was a king sized bed in the middle of the room, jutting off from the wall. Beside that was a small end table and a lamp on top of that. To his left was a dresser and to his right was a desk, stocked with paper and writing utensils.

Castiel dropped his bag on the floor at the foot of the bed. He rummaged through it until he found a pair of pajama bottoms. He quickly undressed and put them on, feeling exhausted from seeing the bed. This wasn't the backseat of the Impala, it was a real bed, with blankets and fluffy pillows. It was absolutely luxurious to stretch his legs out completely as he turned on his side and fell asleep.

Dean knocked on the door in front of him slowly. He waited until he heard the pounding footsteps of his moose to let out the breath he'd been holding. Sam answered the door with his normally well-kept hair in a bed-inspired disarray. "Heya, Sammy." Dean smiled, pushing past him into the room.

"Dean, what are you doing at two in the morning? How are you still awake after the past two days?" Sam asked, giving his brother bitchface number thirty-seven.

Dean shrugged. "I can't sleep." He said, and although he'd meant it to be a light remark, he turned serious. "I just keep thinking about everything that's happened."

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