Chapter 11

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"Well what do ya know?" Ban snorted. "Engaged on Christmas. Sounds like somethin' out of a movie. Heh, the relationship between you guys sure escalated quickly."

"Congratulations you guys!" Elizabeth beamed. "I know how much this means to you!"

Meliodas nodded, "Same here. Though I honestly didn't think you two would be the first." he winked innocently.

"What is the point of marriage?" Gowther asked.

Hawk sighed, then replied, "I wouldn't even bother asking, dude."

"When's the wedding?" Ban mused. "Have you guys picked out a date yet?"

King shook his head. "Not quite yet, we still have a lot of planning out to do."

"I can help!" Elizabeth volunteered cheefully.

Diane hurried outside, "Gotta go! I'm gonna turn back into a giant real soon!" she leapt out of the door, then stuck her head back in. "King, meet me outside in a few."

King nodded. "O-okay..."

After he was sure that Diane was dressed and all, he went outside to see what was up. Diane was staring up at the sky, and so he flew up to her.

"King," she had already known he was there. "I've been having weird dreams lately. Those fairies we met in the forest. I think they're in trouble."

Diane rubbed her temples before continuing, "I'm not certain, but I get a strange feeling every now and then that somethings not right. They've even visited me in my sleep, King."

King blinked at her a few times before replying, "Then I guess we should go investigate." he suggested.

Diane shrugged, "But what if it's a trap? That's what worries me. What if they don't believe that you don't mean them any harm? Hell, it's my fault that they're even pissed at you in the first place."

King smiled up at her, "It really isn't. You couldn't have known, because my memories were temporarily displaced. I told you, you saved my life that day. I couldn't remember who I was until it was too late, and those were also your exact words! So please, don't blame yourself."

"Besides, I'm just as worried as you. But it's worth it if we can really save them. They're the only one's left of my past, anyway. Even though they kinda hate me, of course." King shrugged.

Diane stared blankly at him, "I guess we should get going then."

"Yeah." King nodded.

They both headed to the Fairy King's forest. King wasn't sure if the fairies would be even remotely kind, or if they really wanted help. But, nonetheless, he decided to stay true to what Diane said earlier. He believed that his people truly needed assistance.

My people. King repeated to himself. What a dimwit of a ruler I've been, that's for sure.

Were they really his people any longer? A part of him wished so much that they still saw him as a great ruler, despite the mistakes of the past.

Once Diane and King reached the entrance of the forest, they stopped to take a quick two minute break. Mostly just to figure out where to go from there.

"Where would they be?" Diane wondered.

King pondered over it, "I bet if we search, eventually we'll find someone." he suggested.

"I'll do it," she grabbed him and placed him on her shoulder. "I should be able to spot them easily."

Loud screams were heard coming from deep within the forest.

Without You {King x Diane} ✔Where stories live. Discover now