Chapter 9

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It was almost time for the boys' annual "Chug Fest".

It was where the guys, Ban, Meliodas, Gowther, and King, invited a bunch of other men over to literally compete and see who could drink the most ale.

That night, they'd all be drinking, pretty much, all of the boar hat's stock of booze.

Diane would rather let them do their thing. But to her, it was kinda funny to see the boys get bombed.

"I sure do hope they don't drink too much." Elizabeth began to say worriedly, "Everyone has their limit."

Merlin shook her head, "You really have no need to worry. I bet even Gowther will be out by the sixth mug. Maybe."

Diane giggled. "Didn't he win last year?"

"Surprisingly enough!" Hawk butted in. "I wish they'd have a scrap eating contest instead of this nonsense! I'd take first prize every year!" he proclaimed.

"Don't worry Hawk," Elizabeth smiled. "If that happened no one would even dare challenge someone as good as you!"

"They better hope they don't." Hawk snorted.

Meliodas came walking in, "Ladies, we have a fine selection of light, white wine for you all. Y'know, since you guys probably don't want to partake in our little fray tonight."

Diane crossed her arms. "Oh, stuff a sock in it captain!" she stuck her tongue out in a defying way.

"Suit yourself?" Meliodas muttered questionably.

King came walking in with Ban and Gowther soon after.

"It's almost party time!" Ban grinned. "Gowther, you're gonna have to try extra hard this year." he was flexing his muscles.

Gowther shrugged. "My calculations predict you have a 39% chance of defeating me. And you might as well put those muscles away, this is an ale drinking contest."

"Oh snap." Meliodas remarked from the back of the tavern.

King yawned.

Diane walked over to him reluctantly. "Are you sure you wanna be a part of this? It's not really your forte, right?"

King sighed, "Well, it's a big deal for us guys. It's literally like a test of manliness, only involving alcohol."

"Amen brotha." Ban teased.

"And King here can only make it like, a cup and a half before he gets wasted." Ban laughed. King pouted, "Well, I don't really care for winning!"

"Mhm. Maybe you do though, to show off to Diane. Or make her proud." Ban suggested.

King rolled his eyes. "And how do you suppose getting drunk would make Diane proud?"

Diane shrugged. "I mean..."

She loved seeing them both go back and forth, even while she was standing there right in front of them. It was almost as if they forgot she was listening in.

"Whatever." Ban snorted. "Be ready to lose guys!" he yelled out.

"In your dreams!" Meliodas called back.

"Yes, in your dreams." Gowther repeated.

King slouched down into a chair, already bored.

Later That Night

The boar hat was almost half full by the time everyone arrived. There were some random villagers, and even holy knights such as Gilthunder, Howzer, and Griamore showed up too.

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