She wasn't the only one in the orphanage who went so school though, in fact, all of the kids that were already old enough to go to school went. The owner, Sir Locks, which he forces to be refered to as Sir, actually makes all of the kids in the orphanage to go to school.

He might not care about their well being, but he sure does want them all gone for a while. The kids who are at school age yet, are forced to stay at home and do what ever Sir Locks pleases.

Braden walked with head up high in the hallway, ignoring her aching heart when she spots some guy's she actually fell for, but they just wanted her for some fun in the bed. She winks and smiles at guy's who she hasn't been with, hoping that maybe one of them is the one.

You could hear some girl's talk about her already and Braden could feel their disgusted glares sent her way. Braden knew she wasn't attracive, she knew her makeup was ridiculous, but it's not like she had a choice.

Without the make up, people would see her bruises and scars and people would question and possibly worry. She isn't a talkative person, which is why she only showed guys she was interested by facial espressions and gestures. She never really spoke to them.

Braden doesn't have any friends either, which is why she always skipped lunch, even though that made people believe that she's anorexic. But she wasn't, it's not like she liked the food anyways, even though she knows it's better than she food she receives at the orphanage she still doesn't eat sometimes.

She headed to the girl's bathroom first before going to her first class. She looked over at herself very intently in the dirty mirror, making sure there wasn't a view of any bruise or scar. She sighed in relief, her make up hadn't gotten messed up on the way.

She heard girls laughter and that's when two girls stepped in. Braden didn't know one of them, but she did know the other. In fact, she knew her from her early pre-teen years and her name was Esmeralda Brigs.

Braden and Esmeralda used to be neighbors back then, but Braden's parents died and she was sent away. They never spoke since then, or Braden never spoke to her, and Esmeralda never got to know the reason she left. Esmeralda wanted to know at first, but after many rejects from Braden, she gave up and moved on with her life.

To this day, Braden regrets pushing her away, but it was done and finished and she knew she couldn't change her decision.

Braden and Esmeralda did see eachother in school other times, but they were just strangers now. Esmeralda's friend made a face, "Guess we should go to another restroom, don't wanna get any diseases." She said as her eyes ran over Braden's appearance.

Esmeralda looked at her friend and rolled her eyes. "You go ahead, I really need to go pee. See you in second, April."

April shrugged and pointed a finger at Esmeralda in a warning way. "Okay, but don't you dare get close to me if you get anything from that." She told Esmeralda half playfull and half serious. One smile at Esmeralda and one glare at Braden was sent, before April left the girl's restroom.

Braden rollled her eyes, she's heard a lot more worse than that. The only reason that the insults continue, is because Braden never defends herself, and everyone knew that. So they took advantage of it.

But that's only because if Sir Locks were to find out that she had gotten in trouble, she would probably be half dead the next day.

Braden turned to the mirror and fixed her hair once more before pulling her bag up and strotting away. But before she was completely gone and out the door, Esmeralda grabed her arm.

Esmeralda looked serious. "You still don't have an explanation?" She asked Braden.

Braden played dumb, just like she usually does when she doesn't want to answer. She tilted her head and asked, "What are you talking about?" She smiled like she was trying to understand but was failing.

Esmeralda let her arm go and it fell to Braden's side. She shook her head at Braden. "Fine, you're still pushing me away, okay. I thought if I tried once more you would explain to me, but I guess I was wrong." One more disappointed look at Braden and Esmeralda was out the door.

Braden looked down to her old heels ashamed. She knew she had made another mistake, but what could she have said?

There's nothing that Esmeralda could have done, Braden is stuck at an orphanage with an abuser and there was nothing Esmeralda could have done to change it.

The damage has already been done.

But her nightmare is almost over. Braden is more than half way done with her senior year and she turns eighteen in five months. Once she's legal, she out of the hell and out of town for good.

She's just going to have to stay strong for a few more months, just a few more.

Edited 9/26/14

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