You are the beginning and the end.

Start from the beginning

I yawn and wave at everyone, breakfasts is about to be served, dad, uncle and P'Win, seem to be discussing a document with P'Sing, aunty is arranging the food, P'New is playing with Angel, asking P'Ahn questions, about when she was expecting. And P'Forth's trying to calm P'Beam and Ming down, while P'Kit, looks ready to murder the annoyance.

"Careful Yo." P'Pha says.

I realise I nearly fell over, I wasn't looking where I was going, I really should open my eyes more.

"Even waking up, you're adorable Wayo."

I look towards the voice, to see P'Poppy staring at me, she takes her phone out, and takes a picture.

"Thank god for technology." She giggles, before walking over to aunty. "I invited myself to brunch p."

Aunty smiles, and they both start talking, as they set the table, it looks nice.

"Matching rings?" P'Pha asks.

I look at P'Forth and P'Beam's hands, they are, so no denying it now, they are a couple.

"Finally got your act together, Beam?" P'Kit smirks. "Did you cry?"

"Shut it kitty." P'Beam snaps. "We did it right, not like your 3-year, one sided stalking."

"Hey! It isn't one-sided, I got Ming a ring too." P'Kit's annoyed.

"Fine, your happy about your younger stalker." P'Beam smirks. "I wonder if he took pictures of you."

"I did not p." Ming shouts. "That was Yo's thing, I just followed him"

Wait...what did the idiot say? "Oi." I shout. "Shut it."

"Calm down Yo." He says annoyed. "Everyone knows you stalked P'Pha. It's not like I told them, the paper incident!"

I try to make a grab for him, so I can shove something in his mouth, when arms wrap around me, keeping me away.

"What paper incident?" P'Poppy asks, curiously.

"Silence!" I tell him.

"I wasn't going to say anything Yo." He rolls his eyes.

"The newspaper?" P'Beam asks. "When they were going to print that fighting article? And they had picture of us?"

"We took care of that guy." P'Kit says sitting. "He deleted everything."

"Not the editor..."

"Shut up." I yell, Ming's giving me his whinny look.

"Ming." P'Kit smiles. "What about him?"

The puppy wagging his tail, goes right over to tell him happily, I'm going end him.

"The editor sent it to the printers, Yo bought all the school newspapers from them." He answers grinning.

"Wouldn't they have a backup?" P'Forth asks.

"Yes, but we took them drinks." He smirks. "Which Yo, accidently spilt on the editor, and his laptop, which got dropped a few times, as we took it to get repaired."

What ancient device could I use? ...I need a guillotine, with no head he can't talk!

"They didn't suspect anything?" P'Sing asks.

"Of course, not p, Yo was really upset, the editor was too busy trying to stop him crying, to care." He tells everyone. "And uncle got them new computers."

P'Pha whispers my name, I get out of his hold, I can't look at him, my ears are burning, dam him, everyone's moved to the table, I sit and eat.

"Why go to so much trouble?" P'Ahn asks.

"It was the guys that stole Yo's poster." Ming says between eating, and talking. "He realised P'Pha and his wild gang, were the ones who got it back for him. That's when his real stalking kicked in."

"Shut up." I yell.

"I was explaining."

"You're making it worse, shitty best friend." I yell.

"How is it?" He says annoyed. "There is a lot more that's worse."

"I'm sure, nothing could be worse." P'Beam says looking at Ming with pity, then patting him on the shoulder.

Even I can tell he's doing that on purpose, don't fall for it Ming, don't you fall for it you bastard...

"His Books of History."

Before I can grab and kill him, P'Kit's pulled him away. "What books of history, Ming."

"You see p, he made notes every time he saw P'Pha." He smiles. "I think he wrote a poem in one..."

"You traitor..." I yell.

"But P'Kit asked..." He whines.

"The scarf and gloves your grandma made you, you didn't lose them." I tell P'Kit. "He stole them."

"Shitty Yo!" He shouts. "How could you!"

"You need to ask?" I yell back.

"Yo, stole your basketball." He tells P'Pha.

"You end here!" I yell. "P'Kit, he used to sleep with your scarf and gloves on."

"Yo had a body pillow, with P'Pha's picture."

"You found out which aftershave P'Kit used, and started using it all the time." I yell. "Because you missed him."

"How the hell did you know?" He shouts, shocked.

"The aunty at the fragrance counter told me." I tell him. "She said you made her smell the scarf, so she could find the right one."

"She promised she wouldn't tell." He's about to cry.

"Please tell me someone is recording this?" P'Poppy yells.

"Don't worry." Aunty says sitting down. "The butler has it covered."

Dam them all, why tease me?? I'm sure my face is radiating more heat than the sun, I get up to leave, but P'Pha pulls me into his lap. I look up, he's so happy, he kisses my cheek, and hugs me. In front of everyone!

Lighting? Anytime now.... Anytime NOW!!

I manage to get out of P'Pha's lap, and sit in the seat next to him, but he holds my hand... Ming's sat down next to me.

"I wonder if we have time to sneak into Yo's room, and find the books." P'Beam's asking P'Forth.

"Beam, he will hurt you." P'Forth laughs.

"There in his secret, pirate chest." Dad tells them, as he starts to eat. "You need the 8-digit code."

Everyone stops to look at dad, who is calmly putting more things onto his plate.

"How the hell do you know that?" I shout at my father.

"I paid for it." He says.

"What could be the code p?" P'Poppy asks dad sweetly, as she pours him tea.

"It's not his, Pha's, Ming's, Sing's, mine, his mothers or a relative he likes, birthday, or an important family event." He smiles, as he tells her.

"Father!" I shout. "You tried to open it?"

"Forbidden fruit." Uncle says. "It's very tempting."

"Of course, you know." Ming looks at his father annoyed. "You ate my cake!"


With this we come to the end of the book. I have a bittersweet feeling as I write this note, I can't believe, I have done this, actually managed to write something, and with your wonderful support, got so far, and finished it.

Even though it is the end of the book, I hope to come back to my 2Moons universe again later. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but I think it's going to happen.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me, I wish you all the best, and let's meet again soon, on another adventure. <3

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