The night, that must not be named

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Monty POV

It was a dark and stormy night, we sat watching in a strange trance, every movement of the other guests at the table.

Every nerve in my body was on alert, my years as a detective has honed my skills, I could smell it... murder in the air.

I looked around the table, every single one, of these rich bastards had a secret, but I would find it, I'll break you all. Like Jackie Chan breaks a walnut between two fingers.

Wait was that a little too far?

"Fatso, was Jackie Chan around in the 20 – 30's?" I ask.

"What the hell Monty?" Fatso sighs. "I don't think he was born then."

"Just google it." The twins sigh.

"I can't believe bitch Yo ditched us for a guy!" I shout.

"It's P'Pha, I would ditch you for a shadow of a guy."

"Shut it fatso."

"You writing your fan fiction Monty?" Crow asks.

"Yes, new chapter."

"Ohh I loved the last one." Chicken looks excited. "Who's going to die this time?"

Sad life, I've started using E'Yo's nicknames in my head. Well they are appropriate, so. Oh well.

"Wait and read."

I try to get the events straight in my head, but it's not happening, I put my tablet down. The teams back, yaa...y wait it's just one.

"P'Yut where's the rest?" I snap.

"They all ran off." He sighs. "P'Sing took New, P'Lee took Din and In, ran off after a waitress.

"Let's go drink." I shout.

The others, the traitors refused so it was just me and P'Yut. We went and had a few drinks, then moved to a new bar, it was busy, being the weekend and this is a tourist stop, so it was lively. We found P'In drowning his sorrows, the waitress had a boyfriend, so the three of us bar hopped.

Until it happened... a wave of people split us apart, such great friends torn from the... okay fine, we were drunk, lots of people, we lost each other. Maybe we should have held hands?

After its all said and done, I can now say it was my fault, I said let's go drink. Alcohol is evil readers, its evil... wait this is thinking in my head, not my fanfiction... no one is reading this. How sad.

I woke up because of my alarm, why did I set it? Oh, there was guys...naked...water ahh the event! I had to go support friends. Friends are evil readers.... it's my head.

Wait why am I naked? This isn't my room, and someone is sleeping next to me facing the other way, also naked? I did the horizontal foxtrot with someone??? And I don't remember it???

Wait...priorities. I did the foxtrot... angels singing in my head...okay stop. Who's in the bed?

I slowly move to try and see, but as I lean, the figure moves around. Omg, my dear kitty blanket... I slept with Park.


I lost Monty and In! Dam you crowd, why are you against me? I don't have a boyfriend...wait I mean a girlfriend...wait I mean, whatever I don't have a significant other, and now my friends were trampled on by tourists. I hope they all get blisters.

Lets toast! To dear friends, lost in crowds, we should have held hands. I tell the bartender my sad tale, as someone sits next to me.

I tell the bartender to give the guy a drink, as I tell him my sad story of losing my friends.

"Why so sad p?" I ask.

"Long day." He tells me.

"I'll make it better!"

I lean forward and kiss him, and I get knocked out.

Wait... I got knocked out so why am I in a weird bed? In a weird room? I sit up but it hurts? And not just my head but...wait...what did I do?

I kissed the guy, then laughed, he was shocked, then leaned back laughing, and fell and knocked myself out... priceless.

And now I'm naked in a bed with a stranger... I think that line a few times, before my brain gets it and my phone beeps then snoozes.

I got drunk, met a guy at a bar and we did it. Dam it all to hell! Alcohol is evil!!


"Guys!" I yell. "Guys? Anyone?"

And answer there came non. And that was simply all because, they'd been eaten, everyone.

"Nooo my friends got eaten!" I cry.

"Nong, you didn't come in here with friends." The waitress tells me.

Oh, a waitress. "P, you single?" I ask.

She laughs then tells me to stop drinking, she was married with 3 kids. Well that's my life right there. I drink more but realise my wallet isn't in my pocket, they are going to take me out, and beat me just for fun.

"Noo please, not the body." I ask swaying. "I have a competition to go to."

But they don't listen, so I do what I have to do. I beat them up, the hands are the hands of a programmer, but my fists talk better. Thanks dad!

They call more guys, who pass quickly, shoving people and knock a guy down the steps. He's going to fall, I quickly catch him.

"He has a nice suit on, it would get dirty." I yell at the idiot.

The idiots come towards me, I move the guy away, he'll get hurt, before I knock the new ones out.

Everyone's quiet, the guys looking at me, he's really focused.

"P, don't fall for me." I tell him. "I'm the single type."

But the guy keeps looking, he is okay looking and I'm drunk, and everyone's off dating, why not?

"Fine, just this time p." I dip and kiss him.

A movie moment. I hear yelling, but I quickly straighten the guy and run, was that Monty? But I don't get far before I'm grabbed, it's the guy, he looks angry, I take his hand and make him run with me after Monty.

"Let's hold hands p, or we'll get lost." I tell him. "I need to find my friends."

What the hell is that on the wall? Abstract art? Landscape? Someone sick? Wait whys everything moving? Am I moving? Dam what a night to drink, and that's my alarm, the event... the coach is going to murder me.

Gods please let me win, I'll make you offerings.

Why am I naked? Do I sleep naked? I don't think so, I have sisters, my mom nearly kicked me down the stairs the one time I tried it, and my little sister came to wake me, and got scarred for life. But I don't think you can blame me, for her liking girl's mother!

So? I'm naked? I look over, so is another person, in the same bed? So, we did something? As I look at my torso and see the marks, and I look at his back and see the scratches, I'm thinking we did more, a lot more ... the person who invented alcohol, I hope you get cut by a rusty nail, and they have to cut off your hand!

2 Moons - Moon Courts Moon or StarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora