There was a video

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My gang wants to go bitch slapping again, I stop them, being the sane one of the group is hard.

"It's better to control a situation before it becomes a situation." Monty starts.

"Husbands and wife of the illegal doctors gang, call you significant others."

"Inform them, there may be incoming information of a compromised situation."

"But said situation is only portrayed form one prospective and is not the entire truth."

"So not to believe said information until the full incident is explained by Yo, the main character in this scenario."

"What the hell! Your all science student's not law." There all advising me, talking over each other, I feel dizzy.

"We watch a lot of crime dramas E'Yo."

We all can't get through to the doctors gang, but we knew that, and they have to turn off their phone for the full day of lab's. Ming and P'Forth also message umm there significant others.

I messages P'Pha telling him no matter what he hears not to panic it's not true, I'll explain everything when he gets back just concentrate on studies. I know he won't be able to message back easily, I hope he gets my message before he gets the video. If she did record it, she will send it.

We get to the test and class ends early, so we all head together to check on P'New. I know his phones broken but he refused to let his friends buy him a new one, Elephants been going on about how P'Din's pissed about it. I ask them to make a quick stop and I grab my old one, he can use that. They all think it will be useless, because someone already tried that but he wouldn't take it. But there's no harm trying again right?

Ming and P'Forth are there as well, P'New asked Ming to go with him to get his stuff not his team, another thing they were pissed about. Monty told me, P'In was having a rant about that, another team member. I need to remember all the names!!!

We all greet P'Forth and the angels are swarming Ming.

"Anything happen?" I ask going up to Ming

"Nope, his ex-wasn't there. He didn't have that much to take; it all fit in my car."

"What's happening in there?" Monty's asking looking at the room with P'New, his coach and team.

"Sorting out where he's staying, there all pissed he went to Yo, not them and I went to get his stuff."

"He's scared they might turn their backs on him like his parent, our poor P'New." Chickens saying

"Wait how the hell did you know that?"

"The coach made him tell them or he would. P'Din called me. There pissed he thought that but understand a bit but still mostly pissed but they can't hit him cause he's hurt already." Monty's telling us.

"Why the hell do you know that?"

"I use a thing called a phone E'Yo, new invention. You talk to people instantly over long distances."


There coming out, P'New looks exhausted and ready to drop any second. Last night comes back to mind 'he's all I had left from my life before Yo'. How hard must that have been for him? He looks tired but relived somehow, how alone had he been all this time? He wobbles a little and someone helps him sit. We all rush over.

"P you're still not well you should rest. Did you eat anything?" I ask taking out a biscuit packet from my jacket pocket handing it to him.

"Thanks Yo." He pats my head and eats it.

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