Is this a dream?

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I look up to see Ming grinning at me. He knows he's always known I love him, my P'Pha. He patted my head and listened to all my upset mussing over the years. The times he didn't take the drink I took for him, or the times he was with girls or times there were rumors he had a girlfriend.

And he sat with me THAT night when I truly cried my heart out. When after years of liking him from a far, I plucked up my courage to confess. His last day at school, I had written a card and bought him a gift. I practiced what to say for days. Then my heart shattered when he told his friends he liked girls and it would be creepy if a guy said he liked him. I ran away, I lost the card I had written as well. It was over a year ago, but still thinking about it makes me want to cry.

"Let's go back, Yo" Ming says pulling my hand to stand, looking concerned.

He sways and falls back, but P'Kit catches him and makes him sit again.

"Idiot! You were already dizzy before, why get up that fast?" He yells at Ming annoyed. "No way can you drive when you're like this. Didn't you hear when I just said that?"

After much discussion, about who's got a ride, who's sober enough or uninjured enough to handle a vehicle they come to this conclusion. P'Kit, P'Beam, and P'Pha came in P'Beam's car, it was P'Pha's turn to stay sober and drive them back but for some reason, he's the only one drunk. P'Forth who is also drunk and singing with P'Pha doesn't have a ride, his friends all seem to be able to manage.

I came with Ming, who shouldn't drive and I don't have a license yet. Damn you driving instructor that failed me. Nearly hitting a parked car and really hitting are two different things. I was more than an inch away!

So, P'Kit will drive Ming home in Ming's car, P'Beam with take the three of us in his. Drop me and P'Pha off because were in the same dorm building, where I will help P'Pha to his room. Hey! I'm not ready for this, were in the same building? And then P'Beam will take P'Forth to his place. Someone listen to my opinion as well maybe???? But no, I'm taking P'Pha to his room...

After a little more talk we leave, I tried to go with Ming because I'm still worried but he waved me off and the seniors didn't listen. Some of P'Forths friends are still staying to drink, they complain to Ming, that they would never let their girlfriend go near someone like P'Pha, I could get eaten. Ming winks at me when he hears this. Omg, you stupid ex-best friend what are you thinking? You will pay!

The roads are quite, but our car isn't. I'm sitting next to P'Beam in front, while both the drunken p's in the back are singing a racy song, there making it up to some tune. P'Beams wishes them a painful morning when they get even louder.

Once reaching the building P'Beam tells me where to take P'Pha, gives me his room key from his pocket and leaves me at the entrance to take care of P'Forth, who's now yelling about something. It couldn't be what I heard, so I will ignore that.

I help the unhelpful P'Pha to his room, who is alternating between about to pass out and singing. I never knew he could be this cute. I mean this undignified, my image of an angel is gone! Really? Shut up stupid head!!

I manage to find his room, get his door open and both of us inside, no help from P'Pha at all. He makes for his bed before I can turn on the light but falls at the foot of it, complaining he lost his pillow. How can he be so cute? If I wasn't already in love with him, I would fall for him now.

I get him up and into his bed. I take out his phone and put it on the bedside table, then take off his shoes. He should be comfortable sleeping in the shirt and shorts he's wearing. I'm putting the blanket over him when I see he has a tattoo on his leg. That's new, how wild have you been since the last time I saw you P'Pha?

I wonder if he has anymore. I'm tempted to look under his shirt. My hands are hovering at the hem, I mentally slap myself again. No taking advantage of a drunk person! Aw common, it's just looking. Shut up stupid head!

I quickly pull the blanket to his shoulders before I do anything. I had rushed to help him, forgetting the lights. Only the street lights coming in threw his window. I take a moment to look at his face. Never believed I could see it like this.

Flawless skin, pretty shape lips, nice nose, beautiful eyes and long eyelashes. I trace them lightly and watch my fingers gently caress his cheek, not wanting to wake him. I look up and his eyes are open. Before I can do anything he puts his hand behind my neck and pulls me closer.

"You look like someone....someone I miss."

Before I realise what's happening, he's pulled me down and is kissing me. I gasp in surprise and he uses that to deepen the kiss. I try to pull away but he's holding tight, I feel hot, I stop fighting and let him do what he wants.

It stops as suddenly as it started. I'm breathing hard, I open my eyes and realize he's fallen asleep. I slowly get up and make my way to my room in a daze. Inside I lean against my door for support I'm shaking, but my knees can't hold me anymore I slide to the floor.

He kissed me. My P'Pha kissed me. My hearts still pounding in my chest, I touch my lips; I'm replaying the scene and smiling.

"You look like someone...someone I miss"

Then reality jumps in, I stop smiling. He didn't kiss me, he kissed that someone he misses.

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