Time to ask questions

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Phana POV

I really wish it was a dream like Yo said. It's been a nightmare since Beam opened the door and yelled Yo, when I saw him bleeding, everything went blank.

Then the nurses trying to hold him and Yo yelling, I wanted to hurt them all for touching him. He was shaking as he clutched me so tight, I held him. All the nights for me not to be with him. Dam it.

Then the call to Kit, Beam and I were with him. Kits frantic yelling and dash for Ming, I knew Yo would be frantic. I've seen those two together, just like me, Beam and Kit, they were inseparable.

We got to Ming just as they were getting him into the ambulance, Kits face, there was no denying it, how much he cared for him.

No matter how much we teased each other, one thing you don't want to see is your friends in pain. Ming's face was covered in blood, he was strapped into the gunnery ready to be moved, Kit jumped in.

Beam, Forth and I got to the hospital just behind the ambulance, we walked in just after them, I saw Yo's face when he saw Ming, shit, I moved fast, I caught him as he passed out.

I sat with Yo while he slept, before going out to speak to P'Sing and P'Lee, telling his gang to keep an eye on him. They were going to have a chat with the guys that went after Ming and Yo, no way was I not going along. Kit, Beam and Forth of course came along.

They had them in a building not far away, an old warehouse of sorts with boarded windows and people walking around. They were tied to chairs, three of them, the guys walking around looked like a proper gang.

They put a seat in front for P'Sing to sit, he asked questions. I didn't care.

"Why did you go after Yo?" I asked the one on the left.

"Orders." The little shit answered


"I don't have to tell you, just call the police, I have rights."

I walked over and kicked him full in the chest with my foot, he fell back, I kicked him in the stomach.

"You touched my Yo, you don't have any rights." I kicked him again.

"Why did you go after Yo?"

He coughed and looked scared now. I had nearly rebelled against my parents, their control and wanting me to be a doctor, I was on the verge of joining a gang. I could tell from one look how hard someone really was.

The ones walking around, they were hard, these little shits were scammers, they did jobs for cash only getting their hands a little wet, and getting paid. I would show them real pain.

"We were told to, we had to get Ming and his nerdy friend, we were told what to do."

"To do what with Yo?" I asked

"To have fun with him, make videos and take pictures, then put them online."

My mind went blank, did I care I was kicking a defenceless guy? Not even a little, I kicked him over and over, only the restraining arms held me back but I wanted to hurt him more. 'have fun with him' you fucker, anyone touched my Yo, id end them with my bear hands.

"Fuck sake Pha, take it easy, we still need to ask them...." Kit snapped.

I tried to get Forth and Beam to let me go but the bastards had a firm grip.

"Not a fucking chance, he needs to bleed more!" I yelled

I got out of their grip and managed more hits before they got a hold of me again.

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