More crazy people...

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We're sitting in the waiting room, while the doctors see to both of the injured.

P'Bright got hit on his head, he has a cut and is disorientated, P'Forth dislocated his shoulder and has a gash which needed stiches.

Some of the freshman were messing around and someone fell through the roof they were fixing, the seniors tried to get them out of the way but more of the roof and materials already up there to fix it, fell on them, they got hurt. Surprisingly the guy that fell threw only had a few scratches.

A girl is sniffling in the corner that P'Bright saved her life. P'Arthit has had words; it was the drunken group from last night.

I left the baby with P'Bee I got scared when I saw P'Forth with all that blood.

Rome's sitting next to me fidgeting, looking at the door.

"He's going to be okay Rome." I reassure him, he looks on the verge of tears. "Shit Rome how did you get to this so fast."

"It just happened Yo." He says quietly.

"I don't think he knows how you feel Rome."

"I'm going to tell him soon."

"If you need anything, you know Ming and I are here right?"

"Yes, thanks Yo."

They come out, Rome runs to help P'Bright. P'Arthit and P'Nott share a look, they figured it out already, and they let him help their friend. I go to P'Forth, his arms in a sling, he looks ready to drop, and P'Nott helps me.

We have a talk on the way back to camp, P'Bright, Rome, P'Forth me, P'Bee, Fon and the baby will go back, P'Arthit is sending us all in one of the vans and P'Lam will drive.

The group responsible avoids P'Arthit who's glaring at anyone stepping one foot out of line. When he starts snapping at everyone, his friends find P'Kong and tell him to calm his monster. It's funny to watch, no one goes near P'Arthit there scared, but as soon as P'Kong's near him, talking and smiling, he stops frowning and even cracks a smile.

We need to let the 2 injured p's rest for a while, so our departures delayed till later in the afternoon, P'Forth fell asleep. I'm sitting in the shade with P'Bee and P'Lam, the baby's sleeping in his carrier.

"Dam it all to hell why do things all happen in one go." P'Bee startles us both.

We both shush her, when the baby makes a noise. She sighs.

"Ok both of you spill, why isn't Beam here?" she asks

We share a look and stare at our feet.

"Oh for the love of... don't try those tactics with me, I know all about Forth, I came all the way to sneak a peek at that guy."

We stay quite.

"If you don't answer me, I'm going to wake the baby and leave him with Lam, and lock Yo in a room so he can't help."

We both stare at her, she wouldn't right?

"Talk before I find another torture method, I'm very imaginative believe me. Forth got his attitude from me." she says crossing her arms.

We slowly reluctantly tell her.

"Men need a good kick where it hurts." She announces once we finish

We protest, we didn't do anything, she laughs at our horrified looks.

"Ok so did the idiot mean lets break up or did he mean he'll talk to his father?" She's asking.

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