Its not all black and white

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Romes POV

There all looking at me in shock. This is the first time I'm telling anyone, I was always moving, always alone, I love my mother I never blamed her, she raised me, she is always upbeat. Being a single parent is hard, I heard people whisper things when they thought I wasn't listening.

"Didn't you ever tell your mum Rome?" P'Bee asks.

"I did, but if you met Lot, he doesn't look the type to play pranks on people." I sigh. "The one time I did, they made my mum feel bad, so I never said anything."

They made it sound a crime her being a single parent and how she didn't have enough control over me. Mum cried when she thought I was a sleep, so I never told her again.

I always tried to do my best in my studies so mum didn't worry. I never complained when we moved. I got used to being by myself. I never said anything if I was bullied, I wouldn't be their long and mum would just worry.

"You know if I see that guy I'm beating him." P'bright tells me, pulling me close.

"Lot told aunty I'm here, shes been calling mum about me staying with them. Mum's pregnant I don't want her to worry, but..."

I can't go live there, I dreaded seeing him and after last night, I...

"I went to meet uncle, he called me. He tried to make go stay with them, but I told him I was okay here. Then Lot came. I tried not to let it bother me I'm not a kid anymore, but I still get scared."

"Who were those guys Rome?" Yo asks

I look over, he's sitting there with Bas, P'Pha so protective and close, it's nice. He's worried, you can always see his emotions on his face, that's what made me like him, and Ming who talked about everything, they just pulled me in. That year, it was the first time I had real friends.

"After uncle left, Lot stayed, he said they were friends from school. He wouldn't let me leave, and they took my phone...

I got all freaked out, they said just one last drink then I could go. So, I drank it, but it made me dizzy and my head hurt, I grabbed my phone from the guy and tried to call P'Bright but they took it again...Lot left me there, they made me go with them, it was hard to breath and hot and that guy was taking my shirt off and..."

"Rome." P'Bright whispers and pulls me into his lap, I said it all out loud.

I relax into his arms. Yo says P'Bright's hyper, he is, but I'm used to quite around me, I like him talking, I like it when he's happy, he makes people around him happy too.

I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, ill forget by tomorrow, I'll make myself, it's what I always do. But this time, this time I wasn't alone, and my friends came to save me. I turn my head into 'P'Bright's neck so they don't see the tears.

I told mum what happened, she was angry and spoke to aunty, Lot said he left before anything like that happened he had no idea those guys from school would do that.

Mum understood why I was not willing to go there, she said sorry and cried. I didn't want that, that's why I never told her, she asked questions, so I told her a few things, just the small ones.

She spoke to P'Bee and thanked her for taking care of me, I think that's a good start.

P'Lee was annoyed, there was nothing on the recorder except that night, but he was sure they had done it before.

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