Another fight...really?

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"Who's this ken?" asks a new addition; I think she might be a relative.

"Ming's girlfriend." Ken's happily answering.

She looks at me, then does a slow once over.

"This is the best you can do? Ming as your cousin I'm totally disappointed in you."

Seriously, this again? I'm mentally facepalming myself.

I really want to go home, I'm turning to tell Ming that, when she goes and puts her hand on P'Pha's chest.

"Hi I don't think we've met." She says in a low slithery voice.

Oh no you don't bitch. I move her hand, and stand in front of him.

"You haven't, and you don't need to either."

She looks at me sharply, now I have her full attention.

"Don't you already have a boyfriend? Don't interfere with others romances." She snaps

"She's the one I told you about." P'Ken interjects, he's enjoying this. You bastard.

"Oh, honey I don't see anything worth that much in you."

"You don't need to, the one paying it never minded."

"After finding out your with another guy, I doubt he will. Consider lowering it, maybe a buy one get one free deal if I were you." she smirks.

"Good thing you're not me. I doubt anyone would pay 0.5mil for you, so you don't need to worry."

"You bitch."

She raises her hand to hit me; I stomp on her foot with my heel. Hey I didn't hit a girl. But the bitch touched my P'Pha.

She screeches and moves back, glaring at me.

"Hitting me is a no no, sweaty." I glare back.

"What the hell's going on?" It's P'Leiw

"Are ken and his friends picking on my Nong again?" Oh god it's P'Brights.

He's standing next to me, like he's defending me. I move away he moves with me. Dam it.

"I told you about this Fang, remember that.." he's trying to tell P'Fang who's here as well.

I put my hand over P'Brights mouth to silence him, let's not ruin this.

"It's just a misunderstanding p, don't worry. You should go see to your guests, I think someone's looking for you." I say calmly.

I need to learn to control my temper where P'Ken's concerned; he just irks me the wrong way. I smile again at as the couple leaves.

"I know you don't like me, but don't be such a moron to ruin your brothers night." Ming says.

He seems pissed but helps his friend and they both go off mumbling. Well at least he's thinking about his brother. One problem down, now to deal with the person next to me.

"Ah Nong your still awesome, let's date" seriously?

"P'Brights I'm already dating someone."

I see P'Nott coming towards us, thank god, he comes and grabs his friend.

"Bright seriously man, leave the poor girl alone."

"But Nott she's awesome."

"Come on idiot. You fall for ever pretty girl you see." Then turning to me says "Sorry Nong, he's just had too many drinks."

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