Rachel - Part One - Erotica Short

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He always went out with his friends the same night of the year, 22nd December. He would book the next day off to nurse his hang over and lay in bed thinking about his antics of the night before.

This year was no different as he stood in front of the mirror fastening his black suit shirt and smartening his silver tie.

He met his friends in the same pub every year and he was always the last to turn up.

When he arrived most of them were already drunk and the singing had begun. The pub was old fashioned with a wooden interior complete with cheesy decorations covering the bar and a Christmas tree so bare and drab it was hardly worth putting it up.

This was not the kind of night he had in mind, babysitting his friends but he decided to stay and ordered his first drink.

Behind the bar was by a blonde woman waiting to take his order. She was tall, curvy and smiled confidently at him. He had never seen her there before.

He nervously ordered his drink and took a seat at the bar as he watched her bend over in her tight jeans which showed off her large ride me ass. She was beautiful, her light golden hair like a halo around her head but when she caught his eye as he watched her, he saw only the devil staring back.

She was sultry in the way she moved to do the simplest of tasks and she made him on edge like no woman ever had made him. He stayed at the bar to watch her. His friends falling from their stools inebriated.

As the pub started to clear, only one or two of his friends remained and they were deep in conversation. The barmaid was still behind the bar, filling the dishwasher. She turned round to find him looking at her and a blush rose to his cheeks as he looked away in embarrassment.

He was sure his face had given away his feelings and the massive hard on he hid under the bar.

She approached him slowly and offered him her hand "Rachel" she introduced herself as. As he took her hand, her silky skin of her fingers brushed against his palm in such a way that it made him shudder.

"Nick" he replied, his breath quickening. "I do hope you're not like your friends" Rachel motioned. "I'm not don't worry" he said shaking his head at the sight of them.

"So Nick, what are you doing with the rest of your evening? It certainly doesn't look like your friends will be much use to you".

"Going home early by the looks of it Rachel" Nick said with a sigh. She looked at him with a stern look which scared him a little "Don't go using the puppy dog eyes on me, it won't work". Rachel turned away from him and went into the back.

Nick sat at the bar convinced he had blown it. Rachel emerged from the back with her coat and bag. "I'm going to get changed, I will meet you outside. Flag us a taxi". And with that Rachel disappeared into the ladies.

He rose from his chair, his heart in his throat. He had no idea where they were going or what they were going to do but if she was there, that's where he wanted to be.

He walked out into the cold night, it was early, only 10.30pm but the temperature was dropping fast. He flagged down a taxi just as she appeared at his side. She wore a short glittery dress, silver high heels, no tights and a leather jacket. She looked stunning as she grabbed his hand and dragged him into the back of the car. They sat holding hands on the back seat as she shouted to the driver to take them to a local club.

She intimidated Nick and his palm started to feel sweaty as he realised she was wearing a ring on her wedding ring finger. Too in awe and afraid of ruining things, he didn't ask if she was single.
The taxi pulled up outside a club where there was already a line forming. They joined the back of the queue and after five minutes in the cold, her nipples were clearly hard and visible, making the material of her dress stretch.

Rachel parts 1-10Where stories live. Discover now