Chapter 2

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Sometimes i wish i was normal,i wish i didn't have my curly brown locks,my vibrant,bright green eyes, i just wish i could get out of here and be free..and not be judged.
You know before all of this i had many friends, i wish i could see again, they were so supportive of whatever i did and extremely protective, i was always the baby of our group as i was the youngest. I was told by many people in my family,in restaurants and even in my school that i was beautiful, they would always ask to touch my hair and would say it was soft when they did, i would get asked what conditioner i would use to which i would reply with that i didn't, you should have seen those shocked faces of people, it was funny and i would start giggling ever so slightly,this would always make their cheeks lighten up and they would say i had a girly laugh to which i start full on laughing.They would also comment on my eyes, everyone commented on my eyes as soon as i looked at them,they would say they were unusual, and pretty and sometimes even magical. They would say my eyes light up when i smiled, when i laughed, when i looked at my family and when i saw my friends.
I never thought anything of the compliments, i thought they just being nice since all omegas are supposed to be beautiful, unique and desirable, we were all born that way, some omegas were born with white hair and blue eyes maybe even red or purple eyes, blue or blonde hair it just depends on your ancestors and also your mother and fathers genes. I got my hair of both my parents, my father had dark chocolate brown hair and my mother has light caramel brown hair and im just in the middle somewhere, and my eyes don't come from either of them ,my mother said i got my eyes from my grandma.
My omega part of me also comes from grandma since my mother was a beta and my father was an alpha, but sometimes you wish you where an alpha or at least a beta that way you can stand up to people. No matter how brave of an omega you are people just think of us as pathetic, weak omegas. These are also know as haters as i call them. There rude and some people go as far to say that there jealous because they think that they aren't pretty or that they are fat, but in reality they are just as beautiful to me as any other omega is, unfortunately I've never really been around another omega, all my friends where either alphas, taken or looking for their mate, or beta's.

I never once thought that one day, i would be taken hostage by our lonely pack alpha , who just wants sexual pleasure because his husband passed away. Jean was such a sweet heart before his husband passed, he cared for everyone and everything, he even cared about everyone's rights, but i guess everyone changes just like i did.

My hair is no longer soft and bright brown, it's matted and greasy. My eyes are dull and don't shine like they used to, and my omega wolf, Alexander or Alex, stopped talking to me a few months after i was locked in basement.

He would always talk about trying to contact our mate, but it's hard especially since i haven't met mine yet and since i haven't had the time to practise some of my quirks such as mind linking with friends, family, and possibly my mate when i meet him or her and also transforming into my wolf form.
In all honesty im behind on many things:
•Day to day life
•Outside (i don't even know what day it is, i can tell if it's day or night because this room had sound proofwalls and a small blacked out sound proof window.I know they are sound proof because when someone was walking past the house i tried calling for them but i didn't get a response, they didn't even stop walking, i also couldn't see their face i could just see their feet and part of their leg.)

I could probably think of a few more things to put down, but i have had a major headache for a few days so i can't really concentrate on what I'm doing. I don't even know where it came from because the basement is always quiet, there aren't even rats down here, it's just a solid concrete wall, with no holes or markings in it. Then there is that small blacked out window, a grey concrete floor, a small single bed in the centre of the room with 2 pillows and 3 blankets, 1 for a sheet and two to keep myself warm so i don't get hypothermia down here since there is no heating and it feels as if this room is a huge freezer.

So it's technically it's near to impossible that i got a headache from staying in a quiet room all day everyday, unless there is like someone down here annoying the shit out of me because they just wont stop talking or something like that, so it's really a mystery to me to how i got it in the first place i mean maybe it my hormones coming through like stress because i don't remember going through them.
Although i do remember going through really bad stomach aches and bad headaches when i was around fourteen or fifteen, but they lasted around about and hour once every few days but the one i have now is constant, i even find it hard to get to sleep because i can feel it sort of stinging, but I don't know what it could possibly be.

I just hope im not sick and this won't last to long otherwise it's going to drive me to the point of insomnia.

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