Yeah Why Not

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Joe's POV

Sandy's immaturity recently has been unbearable. Although no one suspects Mona as the target of her shady posts, we know it's about her. Within the past few days, Sandy has removed me from Snapchat and Instagram which have made the fans start rumors and theories of what they think happened. 

"Joe Keery and Sandy Mckormic were probably secretly dating and now he's broken up with her so she unfollowed him"

"What if Joe and Sandy were dating but he cheated on her with Mona"

These rumors were spreading to tabloids and online news sources which made me even madder considering I hate whenever my name is used in anything negative. I've talked to Mona about it a lot considering she has been staying at my place recently. I can tell she feels bad for staying at my place for so long but I try to assure her that she's not bothering me. It's nice to have someone else with me and not have to sit at home alone. 

I've also been helping Mona avoid going on her phone and reading the comments people still leave under her photos. I just want her to be happy and it's hard when people are constantly trying to bring her down. 

I planned for us to walk around today and maybe even go out to eat without being seen. I give her time to get ready and then we both head out. It was peaceful for about ten minutes before we saw people pointing at us from across the street. As soon as Mona and I notice them, I grab her hand and turn around. On any other occasion we would've loved to stop and say hi to them but today we were both feeling particularly irritable and tired. We make our way back to my place before taking off our shoes and just turning on a movie. 

As I was focused on the movie, I heard Mona call my name. Instead of saying anything else she instead puts her phone in my hand. I see an article written about us and as I scroll down I see an attached photo. 

It was a picture of me grabbing her hand from only a few minutes ago. Looking at where the picture looks like it was taken from, it most likely was taken by the group that was pointing at us. I look up from Mona's phone and see her shaking her head.

"What do you think we should do?" 

"Nothing," I tell her as I give her back her phone.

"Nothing? What do you mean by nothing? They're just going to continue to think that we are together."

"Okay and let them think that."

She didn't respond so I continue, "Maybe it wouldn't be the worse thing for them to think that we're dating. We'd give 50% of the fans what they'd like and we could also piss Sandy off and considering how rude she has been lately, I think she deserves it."

I could see her contemplating the idea in her head a minute before speaking up, "Are you comfortable with doing that?"

"Yeah why not."

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