I Always Knew

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Joe's POV

I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that Sandy and I are only ever going to be friends but everyone else can't. Charlie has been up my ass trying to get me to talk to her about how I feel and I just don't think it's worth possibly ruining her relationship. She looks happy and I just don't care anymore. It's been a few weeks since she first confirmed being with him and a steady flow of "Soe" comments still come in on all of my Instagram posts. Last night I posted with Dacre and somehow fans could twist that post and make it about Soe. 

I pick up my phone to check Instagram and scroll through a few posts I'm tagged in but I see that a majority of them are the same screenshot. I click on one of the posts with the screenshot and look at it. It's taken from the comments in my last post and reads:

userc joe and sandy would look better and that's the tea

       *monamckormic liked this comment*

I'm not going to take the screenshot too seriously because I doubt she meant to like the comment on purpose. She was probably scrolling through and finding funny comments about Dacre because no matter how much she denies it I'm convinced she likes him. 

I go on about my day, cleaning up around the house and practicing guitar so I don't completely forget how to play and disappoint my boys in Post Animal. As I'm playing I hear my phone ding. I pick it up to see that I have a text from Mona:


Can you meet me at Urth Cafe in like 15 minutes? 

I text her back saying yes and start to get ready. I get in my car and start driving while thinking about why she would want to meet with me. I'm not close enough to her just to hang out one on one so maybe there's going to be other people there. I park down the street from the cafe and walk in. I see her sitting alone which shocked me because I had been preparing myself for there to be a group of people waiting for me. As I walk to where she was sitting she looks up and smiles. 

"Hey, I came early and already got us things." I look at the table and noticed that she got each of us a coffee and a pastry. 

"Don't take this the wrong way I'm just curious as to why you chose me to hang out with," I tell her honestly. 

"So what are you going to do about Sandy?" She says completely skipping yet at the same time answering my question.

I try to act unbothered like the question and her name didn't affect me, "What do you mean?"

"Charlie was right you are a horrible liar." 

"I don't think either you or Charlie should worrying about anyone's business but your own." 

"I know you like her, actually I always knew even before we were even cast in the show." She says with a smile clearly seeing how nervous I am talking about her, "I may have watched the Comic-con interview when it first came out, but don't worry Sandy never saw it." 

"It doesn't matter anyway she's with someone right now and she's happy."

"If I'm being 100% honest with you right now I really don't like her and Goody together. I just don't see them going anywhere. Now you two, on the other hand, I could see happening."

"Just because you can see it happening doesn't mean it should. I don't want to be the one to break them up." I sigh becoming tired of this topic already. 

"Well, I can tell you still want them to break up no matter how much you want to pretend you don't care and I'm more than willing to help you." 

Confused I respond, "What could you possibly have in mind?"

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